
Has any one moved to France?

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want advice,cost etiquite local laws etc.thanks.misses wont give in we r going if i like it or not. any advice appreciated.




  1. ::We moved here 3 years ago and have mostly enjoyed it since. I must say that there is no social life if you want the pub scene! You move to France to die a death of social boredom and gastronomic dearth.  Unfortunately, all you read and hear about French cuisine belongs to England - I used to love going to French restaurants in England but have found nothing similar here in France.  They tend to go in for meat and one veg and that's it!! I have been to many restaurants to find that they are really boring ( do not listen to the English holiday home owner or the English tourist as they know nothing).  The taxes are quite high but not that far off from England; the health service is FANTASTIC and overall life is good.  I do miss England for the take-aways, pubs and cosmopolitan shopping experience ( you can't even get powdered ginger over here). The language is difficult even though I had a french 'o'level and there are no state financed language courses ( an issue I plan to raise with the Mairie soon, as I pay taxes and want something from it)Incidentally, as you must already know the property prices are fantastically low and the weather is mostly lovely. ( I live in the south-west Dordogne).

    When we moved, we hired a 7.5 tonne truck which had 2 blokes with it for £2000 but we did offer them a cash deal which they accepted.  The bigger firms are very expensive.  

    If you can retire out here and are financially set up then all well and good but don't expect to get jobs out here as it is near impossible.  Even if you intend to be self employed be aware that the French have a much different mentality than the English.  They are not a spend, spend type of people and they would rather spend their spare cash on eating out than buying a new chest of drawers etc.  I think they are changing a little but it will take a long time. I hope this helps some but if you want to know anything specific then add details to your question and I will look at it again later and add to my answer.  Good Luck. p.s. We used to live in Fishponds Bristol and my husbands a gas head.

  2. one thing that may help is to read a book called "sixty million frenchmen can't be wrong", it will give you a lot of clues as to how french people think and act!

    i'm french myself and have learned things about my country!!

    it's also very funny :)

  3. the france people.

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