
Has any one noticed that all the stabbings seem to be black kids?

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Has any one noticed that all the stabbings seem to be black kids?




  1. Yep it all seems to revolve around the black community and then spills out into the rest of the population. Just a simple observation not a racist remark. Dare I say Enoch Powell without people shouting racist at me?

  2. No have not noticed that at all. I do notice that there is a huge amount of stabbings in Ireland as well and none have been black kids at all. The major thing that is evident is that most seem to live in a certain area of towns that are not to well catered to by amenities at all. Is that the same way in Britain. That the areas that most of these crimes are happening may have clubs but no one can afford to go to them.

  3. To Hannibal the Cannibal.  

    There is nothing racist in stating facts.  As a black person myself these yoots of today make me sick with their cowardly posturing.  Where did it all go wrong and where on earth are their parents?

    Knowing first hand the devastating effects a stabbing can have on a family I can only hope that someone really starts to get tough with these mindless fools...How dare they feel they have the right to wreak havoc on other people and their families!

    Watching the SkyTV report interviewing gang members and watching them play wannabe gangsta made my heart sink into my boots.  I feel so ashamed!!!!

  4. Most the time it has been, but not all of them :(

  5. I certainly have

  6. as un-racist as i want to sound, yes its true, i was watching sky news do a report on it the other day, and all the people they interviewed were coloured

  7. Sadly most of the time its true but not all of the time.

  8. Sticky...I don't know how recognising the fact that the majority of the kids were black makes one in any way this case it is a fact.

  9. Yes, sad but true. UK welcomes them with open arms and in return them and their kids kill decent British people.

    UK must understand that people who come from violent cultures are likely to be violent criminals themselves.

    There are two alternatives. Black leaders should be working hard to correct their people, or the Govt will need to be tough and start taking away citizenship and sending them to their native country.

  10. I suppose it may go back to genetics for some - having spears - a way to prove their manlihood.

    U know like in Zulu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Still if they want to stab each other that's their business, it they want to stab anybody else, they had better watch out!!!!

  11. Yeah, like 18 years ago.

  12. If, lets say, 8 out of 10 recent stabbings are done by blacks and one points that out, that person is not a racist but one who simply understands facts and the law of probability.

    Of course, simple minds will rush to crucify that person as a racist for no logical reason.

  13. Yep but in a politically correct mad country like the UK everyone is frightened to acknowledge it. Most NO go area in the UK are created by Blacks and Asians.

    Dont care if it offends its fact. Black and asian invasian has ruiened the UK. If you emigrate to another country you should be forced to live by that countrys customs and religions not bring your culture with you. If I went to live in a muslim country I would HAVE to follow their rules, TOO many imigrants in the UK taking advantage of the easy system and the GUTLESS GOVERNMENT............IT WILL ALL END IN TEARS EVENTUALLY

  14. Ben Kinsella was white, so have many others recently been.

    I think you are generalising a select number of high profile news stories.

  15. Uh, duh.  lol.

  16. most of the kids have been black, but the sad part is that most you the kids doing the stabbing have been black, havent black people got enough problems without black killing black, stop it

  17. main stream media...white kids have guns...seen any school shooting in Harlem.

  18. I've noticed that their not.

  19. You want to watch out with putting "black kids" in the question; people will probably complain that it is 'racist'.

    Back onto the question. Yes, I've seen that a majority of the gang-related and 'yob' stabbings have been linked in one way or another to a person belonging to another ethnic group (again, I'd probably get moaned at for using another word and being more specific).

  20. YES.

  21. Quite a lot have been but by no means all.

  22. yes, there are some whites as well but it does seem that way. i think the gang culture is more prevalent in the young black guys. how we solve it, i dont know.

  23. Yes, it's a simple fact that most of the victims and the criminals in recent knife crime in London are black.

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