
Has any one person been a major influence in your life....?

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How did it affect your thinking , direction , actions....?




  1. I don't think anyone had influence on my life, i've always been my boss...always done things my way, I don't take advice from anyone I'd rather test my limitations and learn from my own mistakes. I cannot say that one person has influenced my life because I am independent but I like to read and I think reading about other people's lives and experiences influences the way I think.

    I don't think my life is going towards a certain direction, I do live life each day, I don't think about tomorrow so all my actions have a 24 hour limit, if I am mad at someone, I make up as soon as I can, if I need to finish something I start I finish it as soon as I can and so on.

  2. in fact not just one person, but many.

    Lets start from my favorite writer, he is Egyptian and he is a scientist too , his name is Mostafa Mahmoud,

    My Father is the most one who affect my thinking and my direction in this life, But as I took alot of good things from him, I also took some other ideas which is not good as i thought.

    In fact, This man is really a great man, I respect him and he is a very wise man.

    My Mother will be the second one after my father, I was so attached to her when i was a kid, she is really a very kind mother and woman, God bless her.

    Then will come My best friend Ahmed Allam, I learned alot from this guy, and we are totally different in everything, but we respect each other , and we support and help each other, I love this man,

    :D Then Yahoo answers

    All of you , really, you changed my way of thinking and my opinions about many things in this life, I Love you all , and I owe you alot.

    Love you all.

  3. sure

    fist my family and then my friends

  4. yea a lot of ppl

    i have a habit of learning something from every person i meet so many ppl have change my thinking  

  5. yeah, ifit wasnt for that one person, id be so lost right now

    it was the encouragement and support and love of that one person that helped me do so much in my life and accomplish much more than i ever could have been able to do if that person was not present in my life

  6. I've traveled and lived around the world all my life...met an immense diversity of people....many of whom have marked me, stimulated my intellect and definitely contributed as to who I am today...

    Thank you all!! Wherever you may be....

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