
Has any one really used homemade Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Gas to run your car?

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Has any one really used homemade Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Gas to run your car? The cost is higher or lower than the gasoline on the market? Did you grow starch & sugar crops (corn, wheat, sugar cane, potatoes) in your back yard or you have some sources to get cornstalks& fruit and vegetable peelings? If you made biodiesel by using your own septic tank will not help much, because within city limit, your septic tank have to be 50 feet away from the water bed (aquifer).




  1. Not yet, but I am researching and preparing to do so. We all have to do this. I for one am tired of bein used as a parasite host. The only solution left to us is to join together into small ethanol co-ops. We can buy stills online, set them up on private land, and start cooking. As long as it's not drinkable, the IRS won't care. In fact, there is a gov't website that will help ppl do this legally. for flex fuel conversion kits.

  2. yes, we are making biodiesel on our cotton,corn and soybean farm. we are using used cooking oil from local restaurants to make our biodiesel. the biggest problem maybe in getting the used oil. with the price of all the vegetable oils going up we will probably have to start buying the oil from the restaurants, currently they are giving it to us, but there are companies that are starting to pay the restaurants anywhere from .20 cents a gallon to 55 cents per gallon. even if we have to pay 50 cents a gal. for it, that will still be ok with diesel prices headed for 5 dollars per gallon. it is costing us about a dollar a gallon to make, but the federal government will give you a tax credit of .99 cents per gallon.  we use about 30,000 gallons of diesel per year on our farm. we are just trying to make enough biodiesel to reduce our fuel costs some. we will probably try to get to about a 40% biodiesel to 60% diesel ratio. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO ARE SKEPTCAL ABOUT BIODIESEL AND ETHANOL. THEY DO WORK AND ARE CURRENTLY WORKING TO REDUCE OUR DEPENDENCE ON FORIEGN OIL IMPORTS. YES THE BIO FUELS INDUSTRY IS BEING SUPPORTED BY FEDERAL SUBSIDIES. BUT ALSO SO IS THE OIL INDUSTRY. ONE MORE FACT THAT YOU NEVER HEAR MUCH ABOUT IS THE RISING PRICE OF GRAIN HAS VERY LITTLE TO DO WITH THE RISING COST OF FOOD, ITS 130 DOLLAR A BARREL OIL THAT IS CONTRIBUTING TO MOST OF THE RISR IN FOOD PRICES BECAUSE THE GRAIN IS ONLY ABOUT 20% OF THE COSTS OF FOOD, THE REST IS PACKAGING,ADVERTISING,LABOR AND MOST IMPORTANTLY TRANSPORTATION COSTS.   our next step to say NO, we will not buy your overpriced gas and diesel is to purchase a small ethanol plant. we will grow our own corn and make ethanol out of it and purchase a soybean crusher to make our vegetable oil to make biodiesel. i know there is this great battle coming on food vs. fuel tha thas been totally blown out of proportion. today there is enough grain for food and fuel. if you take time to investigate most of the info on how high grain prices are causing the cost of food to go up, you will find that most of the reports were funded by the oil companies and food manufacturers. for 30 years we as farmers have been told that the price of food is NOT DETERMINED BY THE PRICE OF GRAIN

    [when corn has been 2.00 dollars per bushel and soybeans 5.00 dollars per bushel and now corn is 6.00 dollars per bushel and soybeans 13.00 dollars per bushel}  the food companies have now changed their story and say the high price of grain is solely responsible for food costs rising. they say this so they will have an excuse to raise the price of their products to gouge the public as the oil companies are now doing.the speculators have run the price of oil up and also the price of grain has been greatly influenced by speculation. the people that are against using grain for fuel want it stopped, but as long as oil is in the outer limts and is predicted to go higher biofuels will continue to grow because they will be and are currently cheaper to produce than gasoline and we have plenty of grain to do it with and keep those dollars that are currently going out of the u.s. to fatten up the oil rich countries of the world here at home and maybe finally we can produce SOMETHING in america instead of exporting our jobs to other countries and leaving the american population with little opportunity to work.  sorry for the long answer,  i know it was a lot more than you wanted. there will be many who will disagree with my answer.

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