
Has any one recently bid on hud house if so how long before you got response?

by  |  earlier

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I recently placed a bid on a hud owned home my agent told me that she should of heard something in 24-48 hours and keeps wanting me to bid higher i am only bidding 10 thousand below the asking price. I asked her if there was a number to call to find out any info she told me no. I need to know has anyone else bought a hud owned home recently and how long there exspirance took.




  1. If they say yes I get an immediate response (next morning if its for daily bidding).  If the answer is no they don't ever respond (usually) but if your realtors calls them up they will tell you the answer was no (and you can try to wheedle out what price they would take, but they probably won't say).  If you check online and the status is still Available you can assume the answer was no.  

    By the way they have very specific  formulas for what they will take.  If the answer is no I suggest the realtor doesn't konw the formulas and if you really want a hud home it may be best to find one that does (go search for past realtors that have won several bids in your area - they will know the hud specifics very well).

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