
Has any one stayed in a graveyard at night?

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I really want to know what you experienced




  1. No, although i want to. I went to a graveyard at night 2 days ago though but the only thing i experienced there was mosquitoes... =(

  2. my friends and i spent the night in a grave yard all night before..we heard scrapping noises was in mckeesport pa.there was story that a bride walked at night looking for her husband didnt see her but it was creepy.i was cold noone felt cold..

  3. I had an interesting experience at an old cemetery. over 100 years old in the middle of what we called an ominous forest. It was always unnaturally quite there. No birds chirping or anything. One night in particular me and 6 other friends went out to the cemetery. with a couple of flashlights. Three of the guys were too scared to get out of the car but me, and two other guys went to the back of the site. We shined our flashlight on one of the tombstones, which read Thomas walker RIP. That scared the c**p out of us, because one of the guys with us was named Tom Walker. After that we saw what appeared to be a figure running past the cemetery gate. We thought nothing of it at the time. We thought it was one of the three guys still in the car. Come to find out. The guys in the car thought it was one of us running past the gate. We had estblished that none of us 6 had done it. Thats when  Everyone got the intense feeling of being watched. Needless to say we all left after that......We did come back a few days later and no lying that tombstone of Thomas Walker was gone.  

  4. I stayed in one for a few years, not much happened, got my kicks out of spooking grave-robbers, listened to some folks babble about the newest addition, and ate the worms that fell into my mouth.

    The world of living is much more exciting.

  5. sure. i didnt experience anything. just graves.



  7. Yea I did when I was a kid it was sort of spooky when the car lights hit the grave stones they would glow which scared the c**p out of me but other then that there was nothing weird or ghostly things going on.

  8. I'm the lead tech for a group that does paranormal investigations so I've been in tons of graveyards at night. Alot of them are fine nothing happening then there are ones that are very actvie spirit wise. I've goten pictures of all types of "ghosts" men women kids even a ghost dog before. Cemetaries have differant vibes some are just more active but I've never been scared during and investigation evenin some very haunted spots. Just be advised it is possible for a spirit to follow you home so don't go messing around with out proper precaution. ( and before I get 2 million flames saying there is no such things as ghost Pictures/videoetc doesn't lie)

  9. I never spent the whole night in a graveyard. But I have been to a few at night and spent several hours in them on different occasions and even lived next to one. I never experienced anything supernatural

  10. A former girlfriend and I spent about half a night in one, even made love there.  We had a good time, didn't see any ghosts.

  11. Leave the dead alone in peace. Graveyards are not fun and games.  

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