
Has any one tried secret vision posters?

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After watching the secret (which i think is great) i have been trying to visualize but have trouble staying focused. Then i found this site that say it can help you focus. What do you think? Any one tried them?




  1. Oh YES!!

  2. hehehe, $25 for something even an unartistic person could do on any photo editor for the cost of a piece of paper and a little printer ink. HEHE, my guess is the guy who started that sight had the vision of charging $25 for about 2 minutes worth of work.

  3. I thought you were serious about liking the Secret.  Then I visited the website.  That's hilarious.  It's like a comedy skit.

  4. I particularly like the fact that no matter what, you will celebrate at a celebrity Night Club In L.A.

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