
Has any person or situation influenced your life in such a way that changed you for the better?

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Salaam alaikum

Did a person or situation influence your way of percieving life and people around you? If so, who was it that influenced you or what event influenced you to change for the better? How did you change? How has that change affected your life?

Thank you in advance for any answers given!





  1. Yep, twice.

    First I got married. My husband helped me realise a lot of things, and help me through a lot of bad stuff in my life. He basically helped put my life into perspective. I feel as though Allah sent him into my life to help me through my bad time. Al'hamdulilah.

    And secondly I changed when my eldest was born. The miracle of giving birth and life in general hit me hard. Mainly because whilst I was pregnant I was worried that I wouldn't be able to cope alone. We have a history of post-natal depression, and it gets really bad, and I worried that it'd hit me too. But Al'hamdulilah it wasn't so, and it was just beautiful the whole experience. I am just Thankful to Allah for the ease in my life. Especially with having a child.

    So both of these experiences were positive experiences in my life that changed me totally. My way of thinking, what I want, how I do things, my patience, everything Insha'Allah for the better.

  2. Other than my religion, there have actually been 3 significant people or events that changed me profoundly.  My mother is the first one because she taught me how to be strong in the face of adversity.  My father was an alcoholic and an abuser and abused us in every way imaginable.  When she found out she divorced him, but he stalked and terrorized us for a couple of years, cutting the telephone wires, breaking car windows, driving us off the road, etc.  This was his feeble attempt at getting us back with him, but she stuck to her guns.  She got each of us in counseling so we would learn the abuse was not our fault.  Later in life God took these terrible events of abuse and turned them around for the better when he led me to become a social worker and rescue children from abuse and neglect.  The 2nd significant event was my divorce.  Although I cared for my husband I never truly was in love with him.  I had lost my identity and felt I was only someones wife, mother and social worker.  I was suffocating in my marriage and I no longer had any feelings of love or respect for him.  When I divorced him I felt liberated.  I found an entirely new side of myself I never knew existed.  I truly felt like I had been encased in a cocoon and was now emerging as this beautiful butterfly who was free to experience the world around me(thus the avatar name).  The 3rd person and event is my husband because with him I found what true love is.  I honestly never even realized this kind of love existed.  We both know God brought us together because we are truly soulmates.  I don't know how or why because our lives as far as culture and religion are so different, but even in our short time we've had together so far we have taught each other new things and brought a new perspective on life to each other.

    Sorry for the long answer, but for some reason I just felt the need to express it all.

  3. Yes great scholars of Islaam like Imam an Nawawi of riyad AsSalheen, Imam Shafi, ....& many more.

  4. First my Mom, who taught me how to draw and how to help people who were in need or hurting; then Walt Disney for opening up new worlds to me when i was a child and which sustain me now in middle age. These influences occurred when I was a small child so I have no idea about any changes; they have always been part of me and my life and my outlook.

  5. wa alaikum asalam wa rahmatullah

    yes, a sister that i know who always gave me good advice and always told me 'how it is' even if it hurt me..u need real people around u..who will tell u the truth- always.

    it changed my life for the better islamically alhamdulillah

  6. Yes, I hope an pray it lasts for my whole life!

    answers needed!;...

  7. Meeting a stranger that was Muslim. We became friends, his mother invited me to there home, that was in 2001, since then I have converted to being a Muslim and love all that I have learned about it all. I now, do not suffer with depression any longer.

  8. Hi it was a stranger many years ago i done a very silly thing i tried to kill my self i no it was stupid , But i was in hospital and i  was lying in bed and the man next to me said Hello how are you whats wrong i was so embarrassed i dint no what to say , So i said i was just a bit down , He looked at me and said listen I'm in hospital because i have cancer not long to live , He said go home start decorating are go and get you self a nice new house and be happy , I done that i moved house and pulled myself together ,That man was so nice ,He made me open my eyes.

  9. Meeting my boyfriend.

    He's such a good person. He loves to do volunteer work at church and shelters and such. He wants to be a social worker.

    I'm a shy person, and meeting him has brought me out of my shell. It has also made me less selfish and made me want to help other people more.

    I really look up to him and appreciate how he has changed me :-)

  10. My cat

  11. The Day I was adopted, my life totally changed, like i grew up thinking that people were horrible and that you never really can trust anyone,.. and then just that feeling of being wanted totally changed the way i looked at people and life,...

  12. Reading the Quran was the first thing! when i converted, i changed my name, left my haram job and became a better person. when i met my husband, he showed me the importance of salah and dua and made me into a better muslimah than i ever could have dreamed to be :) alhamdulilah

  13. my girlfriend.


  15. My son,through him I've learnt to respect myself more and learn to appreciate all those little things in life that were often taken advantage of before. Theres something in our kids that brings out the best in us.

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