
Has any player did this in their lifetime???

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in their life, has anyone ever won little league world series, state at their high school, a national championship in college and a World Series?

if so, can you name the player




  1. no!

  2. nope never been done.  Nomar came close

  3. Vosberg Probably did

    Maybe even Varitek on the Red Sox

    He was in the LLWS but I don't know if he won

    same with Garry Sheffield

  4. i know that 2 players have done the LLWS, CWS, and MLB WS in their lifetimes, not winners but have played in all 3

    cannot find the actual players but i remember ESPN did a story on them a few years ago so willl kepp looking

    EDIT: 1973 - Ed Vosberg plays in the Little League World Series for Tucson, Arizona. He would later play in the College World Series for the University of Arizona in 1980 and the World Series in 1997 for the Florida Marlins. Vosberg is the first person to have played in all three world series.

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