
Has any really strange things happened to you?

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One night I was sitting on my bed, the next thing I know you looks like someone is sitting on the corner of bed because the mattress went down like someone was sitting on it. I glanced again and there was no one there! Has anything that weird happened to you?




  1. OMG YES!!!!

    very similar actually

    i was laying on the bed watching tv......i was getting ready to go to sleep and i had just turned around and faced the wall, then it felt like someone had sat on the bed, it made a squeak like someone did, and i turned around right away and there was none there......

    i couldnt stop thinking about it for like a whole month!

    also,...ive never actually SEEN a ghost, but i have HEARD husband works for a ballroom and sometimes we have to clean it up really late in order for it to ready for the morning.....(early morning weddings etc)

    and we were there about 3 in the we walked in i told my husband that theres someone else in here...he insisted that there was none else there....and to me it sounded like someone was in there talking on the phone.....and i remember smelling perfume REALLY STRONG.....

    about a week or two later a women who used to work there asked him if "he had heard her yet"

    the lady went on to explain to him that people have reported to hear and smell this ghost and that she herself had had those experiences.....

    and sure enough,it all made sense...... that night i smelled and heard a ghost.....i couldnt make out what she was saying....but i DID HEAR SOMEONE TALKING.....

    really creepy when i think about it......

    so  i havent seen a ghost ....but have smelled and heard one


  2. Yes, I was the one on your bed.  Why didn't you say anything to me?

  3. not that i can remember but if you watch montel on wednesdays they show svylia brown and lemme tell u dat she is one person with a craxy mind yes yes i noe

  4. Nothing that can't be explained naturally, by using logic and having a firm grip on reality.

    Give it a try.

  5. Yes, one night i went to bed.  i was young and shared a room with my sister. there was a dressing table in between the two beds and there was a window with blinds on her side of the room.  I had laid down for only a short time when her bed springs (she was not in the bed) started to make a noise.  i was petrified and froze.  Suddenly the blinds started shaking.  I'm actually not sure how long i laid there before i could move.  You would think in that situation that you would exit the scene quickly, however, it was like i was paralysed.  I'm not sure to this day whether some force was holding me from moving or whether, it was sheer fear! Eventually, i ran out the door and in to the lounge room where she was watching rage with her friends (she was about 18) they looked at me and ran over asking what was wrong apparently i was as white as a sheet.  My sister then went on to tell me that she and a friend had a seance earlier on before I arrived home with my parents and brother.  She assured me that they did it in his bedroom, however, he experienced nothing.  She also said that when they used the Ouija board, the spirit was giving them accurate answers and they ended up getting scared and leaving it.  We all went into the bedroom and there was nothing there.  Even the window was tightly closed, so I'm not sure why the blinds were flapping around as they were. I'll never forget that night.

  6. yes. ive had so many eerie things happen throughout my life. Recently we have been experiencing what we call is a ghost cat. U feel it get in bed with u,when u look there is nothing there.

  7. Well I had a strange experience and it can be explained by "sleep paralysis" which is a rare situation in healthy people. It happened to me when I was child but still it is really interesting.

    One night I was sleeping in the bed with my sister. Suddenly I woke up but could not move. I could not even blink my eyes. Then I saw a really strange shadow on the ceiling. At first I thought it was because of the night lamp. But the shadow was a clearly triangle and it cannot be obtained by our lamp. Anyway I could not move away my eyes from the shadow then a face appeared in the center and became closer and closer. I can say that it was the most scary face I had seen in my life. It was an old man's face he was moving his mouth but nothing could be heard. And the worst thing happened he started to get closer I felt that he would pass the shadow's limits and reached directly to me.

    While all these things happen I was terrified because my sister was sleeping just next to me but I could not do anything to wake her up but just keep breathing. Anyway I tried very hard to concentrate and turned my body to my sister. When I turned and hug her I fell asleep again. The next day I told my story to mom and dad. Well my dad try to imitate the shadow with night lamp. You now he turned it to right , left etc. But he could not manage to obtain the same shadow. Well couple of years ago I found some information about sleep paralysis by chance. But still it is a very interesting experience to live a sleep paralysis along with a good scary hallucination:)

  8. Not to freak you out but, 2 doctors in England just wrote a book on a study of pre-death experiences of the terminally ill people in hospital and found that happened a lot.  Patients said that they were visited by a family member who was already dead.  Doctors and nurses have even seen the bed sink down and patient talking to someone not their.  Then the patient dies with in 48 hours.

    Also many people report the same thing after a loved one passes away, claiming to have been visited by the dead.

  9. Dude.

    In my house, that's normal. Maybe you should define "weird" a little more...

  10. Yes actually, about 2 years ago, my hubby and I were standing on our porch right under our acorn tree. All of a sudden all the acorns started falling off the tree...there was no wind whatsoever, no rain, nothing. They fell from all over the tree, plink,plink, it went on for about 10 minutes and then stopped. Never seen it before or since.

    A few months ago some friends of mine and I were taking pictures in a graveyard in town, we were standing on the edge of the woods looking at a gravestone that had toppled over the edge of the hill when all of a sudden we noticed we all could see our breath. It was 70 out, it was not windy or cold. We tested it out, a few feet in either direction and we could no longer see our breath. Just in this one spot. About 3 feet in diameter. Pretty strange.

  11. yeah i work in a auto yard we repair crashed vehicles and resell 'em and i've only been working the 5 months and about 3 months ago i was working till close and about 10pm we got a wreck which had earlier that morning been involved in a accident where a lady ran into a hyrdo pole and was killed.

    that night as i closed the garage's in the yard as i left i looked at this women's car and 10feet above this wreck was this figure all white like a halogram and i could tell it was female. i honestly thought it was this lady's ghost trying to come back or leave i dunno but i havent seen her since that night.

  12. strange buttrue ..........these things happen

    and if u are more sensitive the more they will feel them happen.

    actually a lot of happenings are fr real and there are energy bodies all around us. our understanding of them is less as we do not see hear feel them under normal conditios due to our senses not being very powerful or id rather say having a limited range

    what u experienced was fr realbut does not imply that was sumthing ill or bad necesarily

  13. Do you know that about 99% of ghost sightings occur either right before bed or when you're awoken from sleep prematurely?  I wonder why.

  14. one a long time ago: i was watching tv on friday one night and i felt like i wanted 2 sleep so i turned off the tv and went to sleep then when i woke up in the middle of the night the tv turned on and a chair which was supposed to be by my closet was sitting right next 2 me! and this is the one last night: i read a very creepy story on yahoo answers called: a thing in my house: and it was real scary and at night when i was on the bed , i was watching tv and i was 2 scared to turn the lights off and i had a mirror next 2 the lights and when i looked in the mirror there was a face in there so then i didnt want to do it but i was really close so i had 2 and then i did and then i had a pic of mary and it fell down and i cant believe i did this but i left it there and i went 2 sleep then when i woke up in the middle of the night and it was back on top and then there was sounds from my closet and when i opened it there was lots of dolls and i shut it real tight and then when i layed on the bed someone held my hand and then i pulled it right back and then the next morning my thigh was bleeding!

  15. I love to watch Sylvia Browne on Wednesday, and she isn't crazy. She is one of the best psychics out there. Well, anyway, I've had one of those experences before, and I've also been grabbed by it. I woke up in the morning around 5a.m. and decided to go back to sleep. I was almost asleep when I felt the mattress sink down beside my head. I felt something grab me around my stomach. After a few seconds, it felt like it was disappearing. It didn't let go. It just disappeared. It faded away. I didn't see anything because I was facing the wall, and when I turned around, I saw nothing. I heard nothing throughout the experience ( I think the bed squeaked though). I didn't hear footsteps approaching or leaving. I didn't hear my door being opened or closed. I closed my door before I went to sleep the night before, and when I turned around, the door was still closed. Like you, I want an explanation.

  16. I once put a pair of socks in the dryer.....and only one came out!  Super creeeeeeppppyyy.

  17. yes! I was in my mom's room on the computer playing a game with just the bathroom light on cause the fan light was out. Then I felt someone touch my neck and I jumped and left the room.

  18. I just trust the person I am with to set me straight.Its all about trust

  19. I've experienced many, many unexplainable occurrences from finding the bottom drawer of my nightstand with an inch of water in it, but the journal I keep there, wasn't wet - to - hundreds and I do mean hundreds of maggot-like creatures appearing, wiggling their way across the floor of my office - to - seeing the ghost of Mr. Sutro in my front yard while living in San Francisco.  Some of these were witnessed by others as well but they had a 'so what' attitude. I won't share more because you may think I'm whacked and I sure wouldn't want that.

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