
Has any research ever been done that proves that classrooms with a smaller amount of children learn better?

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If so, could I please have a link or book name?




  1. a learner centered environment which focuses on students is best in my opinion.  see:

    Bransford, J., National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on

    Developments in the Science of Learning, & National Research Council

    (U.S.). Committee on Learning Research and Education Practice. (2000).

    How people learn: Brain, mind, experience, and school (Expanded ed.).

    Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press.

  2. As a first grade teacher that has had 27 kids in her class I can give you first hand accounts and statistics of why there needs to be class sizes that are maxed at 20.  I also taught one year in a second grade class with 15 and it was the most amazing, productive year I have ever had.  However, I don't know why where the school is located has anything to do with it.  There are some small towns that have 25 kids in their classes and some bigger suburbs that limit their class sizes to 20.  In my opinion we can't follow the No Child Left Behind bullcrap until we limit class sizes and hire more teachers.  PERIOD!

  3. Don't know about any recent research, however it stands to reason that the less # of kids in a class, the more time a teacher has to spend with a child that needs extra help. A one on one teaching helps tremendously. If a parent doesn't have time for this then Yes. Smaller classrooms mean smater kids. If at all possible, place your child in a private school that has fewer kids in a class. Public school is fine if all you want is for your child to graduate. But he or she will not get a good quality education. Might not be able to pass entrance exams to good colleges. They could get a scholardship for good grades if they were in a good highschool. Invest in your childs future if you are able to do so.


    It depends upon what is being taught, age of students, etc.  I am a college professor and classes are limited to 30 per class due to subject matter/room size.  There is alot of psychological research on elementary ed showing that ideal size is around 20-22.

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