
Has any rides ever broke down at kennywood,kings island, or disneyworld?

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kings island- drop zone




  1. Has ANY ride ever broken down at these amusement parks? The answer would be "yes".

    In actuality, every Amusement/Theme Park has had a ride break-down. We are talking about machines after all.

    I believe what your probably referring to is the severity of the break down?

    Little break-downs happen every day: a bolt came undone, a lap-bar won't latch -- those kind of things.

    Big break downs do happen, but not as often as you might think. Remember, these ride are inspected every morning. So, anything big is usually noticed -- if not by the mechanic, then by the ride operator (who also does a test run before the ride can be opened).

    If you would like more specific information regarding the three Parks you mentioned, then try these links:

    Kennywood --

    Kings Island --

    Disney World --

  2. kings island...there's a stupid kids ride in the nickolodean area that broke down on us.  it's the one you have to peddle along a track.  we were in the cart, which is enclosed, in 90 degree weather for 30 minutes.  i was NOT amused.

    we've actually had more problems with ride break downs at disney.  there's at least one every year we go!

  3. Rides break down often. I was in Disneyland 2 weeks ago and Indiana Jones, Space Mountain, and some ride in DCA kept breaking down. It was really annoying.

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