
Has any sagatarius woman ever dated a capricorn man?

by  |  earlier

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did it work?

how did you know he was interested?

by the way he is in his early twenties and so am I





  1. sagatarious-whether your curvy or thin you're ready to show yourself. - seventeen magazine

  2. Nope, but I usually like earth-sign, shy guys.

  3. I did. He was a sweetheart and a perfect gentleman. Ultimately, it didn't work out, but if I'd been smart at the time, it would have. How did I know he was interested? He followed me around like a little puppy dog, he took me places, he was always going on and on about all of the things he admired about me...basically he was very adoring, and I was a little bit stupid. He was really nervous around me though, that kind of bugged me, and he was kind of boring at times....still, had I realized at the time how rare those good qualities are, I might have given it more of an effort.

  4. Hmmm. I am a Capricorn male myself and I have had one or two good relationships with Sagittarius women as friends rather than lovers. If you genuinely feel an attraction then I see no reason for the love not to blossom. You are both compatible.

  5. 1) It didnt work, in the end... He was waaaaaaaay too sensitive and really bad in bed, too..heheh. I loved him, but he was a dud in bed and a crybaby.

    2) I knew he was interested because he started calling to find out where I was a lot (and we had just moved in as flatmates), and started getting all cuddly with me whenever he could.

    Lovely guy, but too wishywashy for anything long term.

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