
Has any scientist been successful to secretly clawning Human??

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Since animals have already been clawned. How about Humans




  1. clawned? You mean cloned? well yah. Ive seen something like they do something in the DNA like getting a piece of it then placing it  on a cell and it will produce a similar genes making it twins when the baby comes out in birth. Dunno if that counts as cloning

  2. If I am not mistaken there is a world wide ban on cloning. Horrible things could come from it and upset the balance of nature.

  3. It's hard to say, but it seems very unlikely. The more complex a life form is, the harder it is to clone. It took over 300 attempts to successfully clone Dolly the sheep - the other attempts ended in either an unsuccessful pregnancy, or a fetus that was not able to survive due to deformities & congenital abnormalities. The idea that by trying to clone a human, we could produce literally hundreds of deformed & dead babies is enough in my opinion to discourage anyone from trying. Because the human is so complex, it would probably take many hundreds of attempts before a viable, healthy child was produced, and even then, the effects of being a clone could cause many more problems that may drastically shorten the child's life. For example, Dolly's clone was effected by arthritis because the cells used to produce the clone came from an older sheep, so the clone developed the illnesses of an older sheep, despite being much younger.

    I personally don't believe anyone has ever cloned a human - they may say they can, and have, but until the proof is shown, I think it's just sensationalist stories.

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