
Has any way been discovered to harness and use the energy proudeced by sound ,noise ,or vibrations ?

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Has any way been discovered to harness and use the energy proudeced by sound ,noise ,or vibrations ?




  1. Actually a microphone does exactly that. When sound reaches it small electrical signals are created due to movement of wires in a magnetic field.

  2. He's right, thats exactly what microphones do. Since sound, noise, and vibrations are all, well, vibrations, they do generate a tiny amount of heat from the movement of atoms that make up the medium through which the sounds travels.  However, both these ways (mics and any heat-capture devices) are incredibly inefficient.  To show a comparison, a large, one foot microphone one hundred feet away from the base of a volcano which erupted for thirty seconds would generate about the same amount of useful energy (captured electricity) that a 2x2 inch solar panel could in about five minutes on a sunny day.  Plus, the solar panel wouldn't be engulfed in molten metals =D.  Good thinking though.

  3. The amount of energy produced by sound or vibrations is very small, it won't be enough to even light a lightbulb. Electric signal from microphones has to be amplified in order to be heard.

  4. All of the above plus sonar

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