
Has any white guy ever dated a half Salvadorian and cuban chick??????Just wondering...?

by  |  earlier

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Just wondering cause i am.Hope please.




  1. yep he's dating me! we've been together for 2 and a half years but i am still a little white cause of my mom.

    you don't need hope, you just haven't found the right guy yet ;)

  2. plenty of Caucasians date Hispanics.

  3. somewhere in the world, yes.

  4. Some White guys might not have a preference for your.. mixture.

    and/or it depends on personality as well.

    DATING requires the two parties getting along (your personalities). Your ethnicities don't keep people together (for long at least......).

    If you're wanting a White guy or any White guy to date/like you, and they're not feeling you and you're wondering, maybe start being a little more open, etc..

    It's not all about your ethnicity and background.

  5. What;s with the rainbow, dude? Why does it matter that/if you are "white" and your girlfriend is this/that? I hope she slaps you. You are a human male dating a human female.....what is there to wonder about?

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