
Has any1 bought tobacco/cigarettes from the website called <span title="""">"smokersclubofgreatbritai...</span> R they genuine

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Are they a genuine company or is it a scam. Pls say if you have purchased from them. Or is it too good to be true?




  1. Yes, the prices do not include import tax or duty fees, any taxes for them are your sole responsibility/

  2. Be careful. I&#039;ve heard that online sites may be a sales channel for tobacco that was irradiated in the Chernobyl disaster.

  3. Well if you try it then I think that your money will all go up in smoke. lol  :-)

  4. Smoking is bad for you!

  5. There are many  fake cigarretes out there.

    They stand a chance if they are coming from overseas.

  6. Yes - it is too good to be true.

    Cigarettes sent by post from Spain (or anywhere else, EU or not) are subject to British duties/taxes. Some packages slip through - some don&#039;t leaving you with a big bill to cover the taxes/duties, losing any savings.

    Online cig companies also have a v.bad reputation for not sending goods, overcharging customers, etc. I don&#039;t know about the one that you specifically mention.

    Best bet for cheap cigs is to stock up when you physically travel abroad. If it&#039;s EU you can bring back as many as you like if it&#039;s for personal consumption.

  7. why would anyone want tobacco products?

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