
Has any1 played a game?

by  |  earlier

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where they drink like 5 beers or energy drinks really fast and then sees who pees last?????

if so tell me about it........................

if u havent played tell me ur fav. almost pissed myself story

i know u have one




  1. I have a pacemaker...

    Try to be a little more sensitive with your questions, please...

    Clunk!  (sudden disturbing silence)

  2. A few years ago, my company bought another pretty large company (don't want to mention the name) that doubled our US presence.  Well, the job I do happens to be key in the conversion of the computer systems, policies, etc.  I worked from 8am until about 3 am a few days in a row.  Me and a few colleagues brought in pixie sticks and all kinds of candy.  I had an electric cooler under my desk filled with Red Bull.  Keep in mind I do NOT go anywhere near sugar (it's the devil's cocaine I swear).  Well we decided to see who could drink the most Red Bull and pee last.  I did win, but about 20 minutes later after drinking about 7 Red Bulls I was literally crawling to the bathroom.  It hurt so bad to pee I was crying, and when I finally did pee I swear to GOD it was fluorescent green.  

    I haven't had a Red Bull in over 2 years.

    Oh well, I'm highly competitive.

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