
Has any1 read books by Rachel Hawthorne..."love on the lifts" "Snowed in" "the boyfriend league"?

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I totally, awesomly love those books especially love on the lifts.!!!!!

who were ur fave charcters,

mine from love on the lifts were sam(her brother.he was funny) and also Joem (He sounded hot.)

& wat was ur fave book from all of them. (i havent read them all yet)





  1. OMG I read "Love on the Lifts"!!!!!!!!! I loved it! I've heard of the other books, but I haven't read them. I really want to though. Have you read "The Boys Next Door" or "Major Crush" by Jennifer Nichols? Those are 2 of my favorite books! But I also love the Twilight and Harry Potter series'!

  2. Nope but i will try them wait hold on let me see something......5 mins later yea i will read them sorry i looked it up on Borders!! is it a series?

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