
Has anybody been in a relationshipp with a mentally ill person?

by  |  earlier

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if then how did it work out and did the mental illness affect the relationship




  1. Sure. With 2 ex wives and 3 long term girl friends. You are wondering how it affected the relationship? How about ended them. That's simple enough.

  2. I have depression and PTSD, does that count as a mental illness?  i would think yes.  My husband has been very supportive, even when i ripped the door off the hinges, picked up the BBQ Pit and threw it, ripped the rear view mirror out of the car and punched a hole in our closet wall.  he understands I have issues and I have actually taken classes and medication to get better, and it has worked for me.  I know sometimes I will have bad spells, but if he is this supportive right now, I can only hope he will continue to be.

  3. yes my x wife was tri polar she would try anything once without her medication she was a babbling idiot and now im stuck on stupid all her fault d**n tri polars  budip budip whats up doc.

  4. Well, I never been in a relationship, but I think, it depends how serious is his illness that can effect the relationship.

  5. I didn't stick around to find out. I have better things to do with my time than to deal with his crazy ***.  

  6. I have a 'friend' that suffers from bi-polar, manic depressive disorder, PTSD, and has been hospitalized for being suicidal.  She's been married 3 times.  Even being friends with her was difficult, very difficult, even with meds you never knew what each day would bring.  It tries your patience.  Her husband gets extremely frustrated and sometimes I feel bad for him.  You just have to decide before marrying someone like that if you're willing to deal with that every single day and night.  

  7. I know you are very serious when asking this question but something came to mind when I read it. In my case YES, I have...I was married to someone once for 29 years that acted like he was mentally ill, I suppose it took someone very intelligent to act so stupid ... It is hard for me to believe he was acting the whole time...

  8. I am actually in a 4+ year relationship right now and she is bi-polar.  She seems to try my patience every day and she doesn't even purposely do it.  Our relationship seems to be an emotional roller-coaster ride and I'm not sure how to at LEAST slow it down.

    We're planning on getting her some medication and therapy and I hope that helps because I love her very much.  I'm just not sure I could deal with it EVERY day if it doesn't get any better.

    Either way, it definently effects our relationship for the worse, but we're still together and still going strong at the moment!

    Good Luck to you!!

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