
Has anybody been to Sorrento - any suggestions?

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I am going to Sorrento on Friday and was wondering if anybody has any suggestions of resturants and excustions, etc.




  1. The town of sorrento is mostly shopping and some beaches. Besides that you shouldnt need to pay for a tour or anything. Most of the resturants are good just remember you are in a major tourist spot so the prices are a little more. There a good resturant by the shoping on the main road. It always has yellow table clothes. Half of it is outside and the other half is inside they have awesome desserts, They are across from a ice cream stand and a lot of different countries flags. Sorry I cant remember the name of it. But you will see it. Sorrento is also not far from Pompeii or the Islands.

  2. Generally agree with the other comments, just a couple of additional tips. Unless you are made of money, don't think about staying overnight in Capri-but it is definitely worth a visit. I'm told the Blue Grotto is wonderful as well-but check on the tides, we missed out because we could have gone when we got off the ferry, but decided to go into town and do that trip later, only to find when we got back down that the tide was too high to get into the cave and the trips were cancelled for the day. This was last September, so I am guessing the same thing could happen to you. Also recommend walking up to the crater of Vesuvius from the car park halfway up (if you don't have a car with you, you can get to the top using a shared minibus cab from Herculaneum, and the driver will come back and pick you up at an agreed time). Make sure you have sneakers or sturdy shoes though, it is a steep ash path up to the crater so sandals are a bad idea because the grit gets everywhere! I also agree that taking the regular bus to Positano or Amalfi is the way to go, it goes from the station in Sorrento, buy tickets in the shop next to the entrance. One of the most beautiful drives I have ever been on. A word of warning for that and the Herculaneum bus-the drivers of both when I was there seemed to think that the only way to travel was a cross between the Indy 500 and dodgems, and on steep, winding mountain roads, it can be quite a hair raising experience! But having said that, neither actually hit anything, so I guess they have just had plenty of practise!

    As has been said before, food was wonderful, but one place I would recommend (although I have unfortunately forgotten the name, sorry) was in town, but on the road which leads out towards Positano along the cliffs on the right hand side, and had an absolutely amazing garden in the back-and the staff were wonderfully helpful, and happy for you to sit over a glass of wine or a coffee after your meal for as long as you liked!

  3. You are referring to Sorrento Italy?  Nice place to be at.  Be sure to go to Capri for the full day or an overnight

  4. Pompei is great but really spread out and on a hot busy tourist day bit over powering. Herculaneum is SO much better. More compact and much more impressive!

    Vesuvius is cool but if I remember rightly the smell is pretty foul at the top and we took a taxi to the "top" which turned out to be about half way up (obviously  they dont tell you that!)

    Have a nice holiday

  5. obviously pompeii, but i found herculanium better and more interesting. you can get to either using the rail network which goes all around the area, Also the greek town of paestum which is further down the coast on the amalfi drive. it has the remains of several greek temples and is very interesting.

    this can only be reached by car.

  6. I've been there with my wife and it's wonderful. There are restaurants everywhere - it's just not possible to select any particular one!

    Excursions:  CAPRI - This is a short boat ride away. It's a beautiful island and well worth a visit. Try to get a separate boat trip round the island - it's a great experience and they take the boat through a very narrow slit in a rock - you think it won't get through but it does. They tell you that if you kiss the person with you as the boat passes through, then you'll be

    with that person forever! Be careful who you kiss!

    VESUVIUS: The huge volcano is an awesome experience. The excursion bus takes you quite a way up and then you walk the rest of the way. The top of the volcano was blasted into infinity in about 79AD and is about half a mile across. It last went off in 1944 and you can still see the cooled lava flow down the side of the volcano. Breathtaking views across the Bay of Naples.

    AMALFI COAST:  Take a bus or boat ride down the coast. Very beautiful and unforgettable.

    POMPEII:  This is the Roman town that was buried under ash from the volcano for 2,000 years and perfectly preserved. It has been excavated over the past 150 years or so. Walk down Roman streets, look inside real Roman houses, shops and brothels! Look at real graffiti from Roman times.

    NAPLES: This is a total madhouse. You have to experience it to understand what I'm saying. Not to be missed. Don't even THINK about crossing a road, not even on a crossing. Thay are meaningless. A red light is not seen as an instruction - it's seen as merely a suggestion! They will aim the car or scooter at you and floor the pedal. Try it and find out for yourself. While there, be sure to go to the Museum of Antiquities. All of the treasures from Pompeii are on display here and are fabulous. There is also the rather naughty 'Private Cabinet' (I think it's called). It's actually a room containing erotic (some VERY erotic) pictures and statues from Pompeii. The Romans were quite open about s*x. It will amuse you to know that women were not allowed into this room until about 5 years ago. It was felt that looking at this stuff would arouse a woman's lust and poison her thoughts. Honestly!

    That's about all I can think of - have a wonderful time!

  7. the local train and bus service is excellent so - don't pay over the odds for excursions. Go to Pompei (a must) Vesuvious,  the amallfi coast trip is breathtaking, capri (boat ride) for shopping and positano is quite nice.

    Enjoy your time there.

  8. I'm going there on my honeymoon. on Oct 15th Cant wait. Italy is the best place ever. Pompeii will be amazing the same for Mount vesuvius, and herclanium. Already been to Rome and Venice and lake Garda all so amazing. You got me excited now. Have fun, and eat loads of Italian ice cream it's the best.

  9. I went 8 years ago, it was fantastic.

    There's Vesuvius of course.  It plugged itself a few years back so now's a good time to see it before it blows.  Which could be anytime but don't let that worry you.

    Pompeii is enormous - allow a whole day for wandering round there & take food/drink so you can sit & ponder a while. Also visit little Herculaneum, which was the neighbouring seafront resort.  

    There's also the Amalfi coastline to the south, that is stunning - there are tour buses but you can just as easily take the local bus and save your pennies, plus you can get off when you want.

    There's Capri (home of the sadistic Emperor Tiberius who had a penchant for chucking people off the cliff for a laugh) which again you can get to off your own back on the ferry.  

    Then there's all the shops & cafes, and ice cream. Mmmm.  Oh, don't forget the siesta - everything's shut between 12 & 3 !!!


  10. you definetely have to go to Capri. its gorgeous there

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