
Has anybody been to the moulin rouge in france?

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Has anybody been to the moulin rouge in france?




  1. Yes, I have ! lol

  2. yes, there is a lovely bakery across the road from the big windmill that does the best feash bread ever.  The shows are slightly overpriced but you can be guarenteed to have a brilliant time.

  3. We were just there on May 28th and it was fantastic and worth every penny.  Even the diet Coke for 8 euros!  The show was a combination of can-can, disneyland and cirque de sole all in one and went on forever.

    We had a great time and recommend it highly!  We had dinner and the show and would do it all over again anytime.

  4. Ever been to a Las Vegas show? Same deal.

    Big production numbers with bare breasted bored looking girls with their faces frozen in a rictus of feigned happiness.

    Drooling, drunken rubes and traveling salemen in the audience who fancy  this to be  the height of sophistication while shelling out ludicrously large amounts of money for mediocre food and overpriced champagne.

    Paris is a city ith a large number of excellant entertainmment venues but also its share of tourist traps ready to empty your wallet.

    The Moulin Rouge, the Lido, and Crazy Horse Saloon are amongst the latter.

    For an authentic Paris experience go to someplace like Le petit Journal (, the Slow Club at 130 rue Rivoli in the 1st arr., the 7 Lezards (, or Jazz Club Lionel Hampton in the Hotel Le Meridien.

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