
Has anybody done secret shopping? How did it go and who did you use?

by  |  earlier

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I am trying to find a credible secret shopping business online to make some extra money




  1. I've done a little bit of mystery shopping and thought it was fun.  You have to compete for the tasks with other secret shoppers so I haven't picked up any jobs lately with Jancyn. (See the link below.) Just been too busy being a mommy lately. Do be careful about 800#'s and websites that claim to get you jobs for a fee.  You should not have to pay anything for work, just like any normal job.

  2. I have done this but it only makes money if you have a lot of accounts and you live in a big place.  they only need it a few times a year.  if you really want the websites contact me privately

  3. I have done it before and believe me, they will keep you busy if you have the time for it. Its very hard to find a site on the net that offers no fee to join. Its best to join a mystery shopping site and pay a monthly fee, and then they give you access to other sites that offer free mystery shopping. You still have to apply with them too. The initial site is just giving you access to all these other sites you just cant google and find.

    The way it works these sites, is you have to qualify through tests and quizzes to be a certified shopper. Once you pass, you will have to look for assignments within your area and apply for them. Then you will get approval from th site and details about the shop. Some sites will send you emails about jobs in your area, some sites you will have to access the jobboard. Most sites pay through paypal so I suggest you make a paypal account if you dont. Its safer that way.

    Also, not every site has every type of shop. Some are dedicated restaurants and fast food. Some are more for banks, and some have a mix like retail and auto hobby shops. There are also phonecall and email shops as well.

    Most shops that  ask you to dine somewhere, youll have to pay for your own meal, but based upon your written shop experience, they will reimburse you up to a certain amount. So its free in a way, not all the way free. You have to have money to use, they wont just give you the money upfront.

    I havent done it in awhile so i cant give you who I used, but look in your local newspaper in The Classified section. There usually in there.

    Good Luck..

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