
Has anybody else's dog suffered from hair loss?

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Mine is eleven and a half and has lost hair from her haunches and shoulders. Exactly the same each side.

She's happy, strong, not drinking more than usual. It would be difficult to Tell if her appetite had increased as she would run the length of the house to catch crumbs from the breadboard.




  1. my cat had exactly that and the vet gave her pills for the menopause!

  2. what breed?

    did she have demodex when a small pup?

    could be demodex recurring if she did have it.

    or any other strain of mange i suppose.

  3. when our dog got bald patches my nan used to give him cod liver oil capsules and rub cod liver oil on the bald patch and his hair always grew back hope this helps

  4. Sounds like mange to me. Get her to the vet fast for the proper medication.  

  5. Since you say that the hairloss pattern is the same on each side, this sounds like a thyroid problem.

    Symetrical hairloss is ussually and indication of thyroid issues.  Have her checked by a vet.

  6. It sounds like seasonal alapesha ( sorry spelling terrible)

    And i do not mean menstrual i mean as in the four seasons.  Sounds weird but we had three b*****s go through it, two years on the trot and we had Manchester University veterinary college look in to it via our vets.

  7. This could be thyroid issues. We had a dog when I was a child and this similar thing happened. A simple blood test will determine.

  8. Hypothyroid dogs typical symptoms include symmetrical hair loss from shoulders and rear flanks. It's common in older dogs to develop Hypothyroidism which is when the thyroid gland is not producing enough. It is very easy for a vet to do a blood-test to find out if this is what is wrong and can be easily taken care of with a thyroid supplement from your vet which are very cheap drugs that should make your old pup feel and look much better.Good Luck, just call your vet and ask if they can check your dog for hypothyroidism.  

  9. Try here - - if your dog has any of the symptoms mentioned here, take the necessary action required. And take the dog to a vet.

  10. I have 3 dogs that loose there hair during the summer.  My vet claims its dermatitis and not fleas.  I treat my dogs with Sargent's Gold and the hair grows back.  The meds the vet gave me didn't work that's why I used the flea stuff.  But you should still take her to the vet.  Good luck 2u.

  11. Take her to your vet.  She may have a skin condition, or allergies, or something much more serious.

  12. I had a bearded collie who suddenly started losing hair and showing bald patched, I took her to the vet who diagnosed fox mange. She also had a distinctive smell it was cured by baths over a number of days and weeks. Flea allergy is also another cause of coat loss, I suggest you take her to the vet

  13. mine did, but it was after she had a litter of puppies

  14. I had a dog with thyroid and they put her on meds and a diet with oils and supplements. She had the same hair-loss pattern

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