
Has anybody else been feeling like this pregnant?? please read and answer hormones going crazy

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im 21 weeks pregnant and stressing out realy realy badly about everything from my relationship and how i look to my uni course and getting sick

is it just hormones making me feel terrible all the time? the stress is making me sick and iv got no energy and am tired and sad all of the time and dont know what to do?

my mum and partner want me to stop my uni course cause of the stress and to finish it after having the baby but i dont want to be a failure.

also im getting grumpy at my partner over the stupidest things esp if he notices other girls not even perving on them just normal things like commenting about dumb teenagers running across the road and nearly getting hit even that makes me so upset. and when i feel upset i start stressing and thinking i would be better off single and want to break up with him and scream and cry even though he hasnt done anything wrong. is this normal?

and im finding it hard to feel pretty with all the body changes and worry when theres pretty girls around and worry that my bf will look at them cause of how bad i look i thought that i got over these feelings ages ago

is this stress normal pregnacy symptoms or slight depression??




  1. ohh i have to read all that?

  2. Im 22 weeks I have the same problem my babys father and I have broken up twice since ive gotten pregnant because I felt the same way.

    Ive talked to my dr. about it because I feel like the meanest pregnant woman in the world, and he said its normal, and your hormones balance themselves back out after the baby comes.

    Im glad its not just me lol you and I are in the same boat doll.

  3. I'm right there with you and I hate it! I get mad at my fiance over the stupidest things, like even if a really pretty girl is on tv in a bikini or something Ill freak out lol... Sometimes he wont even see the girl that I get mad at him about, I know its mainly the hormones and my changing body but it still sucks.. I'm pretty sure its normal but you might want to bring it up with your doctor just to make sure. Good luck and try to stay strong I'm sure you're beautiful.

  4. i know how you feel . i am 41 weeks pregnant andi still feel the same it is a little bit of hormons .stress and mybe a little bit of depression the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor  and to your partner about how you have been feeling . sleeping alot is something that most pregnant women do in their second trimseter. it will eventualy subside abit. don't feel like you are not pretty any more cause we are that will fade as well . try buying maternity cloths that are fashionable and close to your style. not those oversized c**p that make us feel terrible. good luck i hope this help and congrats on you new baby!

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