
Has anybody else found a dead mouse in their bottled water?

by  |  earlier

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I had several bottles delivered yesterday. The five gallon ones ones. As I was signing the reciept, I noticed one of them had, what appeared to be, a mouse floating around in it. When I asked the deliveryman about it, he said that no, it wasn't a mouse but a Kangaroo Rat. The bottleing company, in the interests of animal protection (it is an endangered species) is mandated by Federal law not to harm nor interfere in any way with the life nor reproduction of that particular species.

Well, I'm all in favor of protecting our wildlife, but it still just looks like a dead mouse to me.




  1. criiipes! quitcherbitchin! life is what you make it mister!

    its just a little dead rat, whats the big deal?  why dont you add a few goldfish and a couple of rocks and enjoy your new aquarium? th family will love it, and you can take all the credit for it! ( well, i should get a little credit actually, but nevermind that)

    enjoy this life!

  2. Ohmigod, you bought that?  Call the company and complain about the water and the deliveryman.  Jeesh.


    read this one!

  4. No I have never had a dead mouse in my bottled water. That is crazy though.

  5. Yeah I agree. You shouldn't interfere. But I have a suggestion. Put the bottle on display since they are going extinct and charge a small fee for people to view it.

  6. LOL. Another good reason to drink tap water over bottled water.

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