
Has anybody else had trouble with O2 when trying to get the samsung tocco?

by Guest60500  |  earlier

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they keep on messing me around with it and want to know if its just me




  1. not tried with them, i got mine with orange, found a deal on their site for unlimited texts, 600 anytime minutes and unlimited internet usage on the phone all for £30...

    hope you get your phone soon!

    edit: more info on the contract i have. if you look on orange site, and click buy, i have the dolphin 35 package for £ also get a free 8GB micro SD card with it, which is awesome!

  2. Yeh i had the same problem when i got mine... In the end i got it from O2, £35 a month for 600 min's and unlimited texts. Was no hassle and i even got 12 months half price so saved around like 220 quid i think which put it to around £23 a month (via redemption). Left the link below if you want to check it out...

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