
Has anybody else heard about Dusty on ATWT.....?

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Coming back from the dead?? I read it in CBS soap's magazine that he has already started filming and he will be aired the second or third week of September.

Can't wait to hear how he just suddenly came back to life, LOL




  1. I actually read about Dusty here on Yahoo Answers, so I decided to look into it and I have read several soap sites they say he is returning sometime in September! I for one am so excited about him coming back...I had a feeling that he would not be dead he is a BIG part of ATWT. Dusty has always had juicy story lines and I absolutely love him... I am wondering how they are going to bring him back, but I have read that Dusty reappearance is directly related to James Stenbeck coming back....Also I have read that Lily and Emily are going to be impacted by the  reappearance of Dusty....I just hope that Dusty is not still in love with Emily when he comes back! I have big plans for Dusty lol...I am curious to see if they are going to pair Duty and Lily together,I really hope they do(that is just my opinion)

    Edit: I feel silly saying this since I am such a fan of ATWT, but no I did not know they were married in real life :)

  2. Yes i've heard, but I know it's going to be the original one (Greyson Couch).

  3. Yeah! I am so excited! Much more than the return of Stenbeck (I can actually remember Dusty!) It will be very interesting about how he returned to life; perhaps it has something to do with Stenbeck?

    I dunno...but I really hope that he rekindles his romance with Lily! Since Holden/Lily are over, she could use a little bit of love in her life! And he hopefully won't go back to Emily...I don't know what he sees in her? She's a dirty sleeze, haha, but I LOVE Emily's portrayer..just not so much the character :)

    Anyways, I think this fall is going to be...amazing. Luke/Noah will be on more, hopefully something with Holden/Carly, Jack/Janet, and Paul's latest endeavors. Make sure to keep watching; I know I will :)

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