
Has anybody else noticed how many lazy fools are not indicating on the road these days?

by  |  earlier

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Too cool, (!) or too thick?....please comment




  1. i seam to see lots of b.m.w drivers not indicating or maybe thay are an extra on them cars

  2. lots and lots, lazy sods

  3. Worse still are those other idiots who pull away from a junction or roundabout barely giving the right of way driver time to pass. My husband is guilty of this and he drives me to distraction when he does it. I've told him if he ever he has an accident (god forbid) it will be when he is doing this.

    It is just so inconsiderate but I think he has got so used to going with the flo that he forgets to stop or give way.

  4. It's a psychological phenomenon. You're just more aware that it might be happening ,so you notice it more when you might not usually.

    Now you've said it and we've read it, we probably will, too.

    There are loads of cra p drivers out there. Your job is to be aware of that and to drive well yourself. Let 'em drive badly- they won't be doing it for long...

  5. especially at roundabouts people don't indicate...

  6. Too busy talking on cell phone.  One thing I have noticed is which hand is holding the cell phone.  I grew up driving stick shift cars and trucks.  So I steer left handed.  I hold my cell phone in right hand.  This still allows me to communicate with other drivers that I will be making a lane change since left hand is able to reach the turn signal lever.  If cell is in left hand, oh well, sorry, that driver can't signal.  Other drivers just do not feel the need to signal.  But many of these drivers are not practicing what my Dad taught me "Always be thinking What If......."

    Be Careful out there.

    PS when I use my cell phone, I become hyper vigilante and hyper attentive to my driving.  I DO NOT WANT TO BE IN OR CAUSE AN ACCIDENT!!!

  7. Yes it`s to do with the instucters telling them they don`t need to if it`s not needed. when they are learning to drive.

  8. To thick. Just got back from 600 mile round trip and it's unbelievable how many people don't indicate before they manoeuvre. It was sheer madness we were so pleased to get home and in one piece.

  9. Yeah have noticed a few people do it. Like it takes much effort to move a finger. I think it is very dangerous, especially on roundabouts.

  10. When you choose to drive a vehicle on public roads, you are choosing to operate in an environment that is at best unpredictable and often hostile. It is full of peril, and only the smart survive without damage or injury, or becoming like the savages you describe. You can choose to get angry with everyone who you believe did wrong, or you can move through the environment in Zen fashion. When you arrive at your destination, you can choose to make everyone you encounter fight with the people you fought with by bringing them in with you, as you are doing here, or you can define yourself by your ability to rise above the unpredictability and hostility and be part of the solution rather than the problem. What is your choice, Keith?

  11. Dude its not rocket science!


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