
Has anybody else noticed that Ollie from Big Brother 10(US) seems to be afraid of many things?

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Ollie was afraid of worms as well as anything else that slithers. I can agree with him, snakes are creepy.

Then, he said that he was afraid of heights as he was hanging on the side of a fake building for a HOH competition.(They were only like 8 feet a above ground, with a giant matt to land on)

Third, he said he has never tasted alcohol and he was afraid of tasting it because he doesn't want become a "ackoholic" (supposed to be alcoholic but he mispronounced it)

Lastly, he said that he is afraid of birds. He ran away from one that was at least 50+ feet away from him.

Don't take this wrong, I truly do like Ollie as a person and he makes me laugh alot but it seems a bit unhealthy to fear so many things.




  1. Let us hope after April gets finished with him he will add blonde bimbos to his list.

  2. He is not afraid of Snakes, he think they are from the devil

    The height thing could been him throwing the competition

    Alcoholic, maybe he has one in his family

    My father is one, I was afraid of becoming one

    The birds so far a way is odd

    I was at wildwood NJ, and the sea gulls, eat the food

    They steal food off the BBQ

    I do understand birds, buy when they come up and steal your food

  3. Haha.  I agree with you and LEDIA.  He does seem to be afraid of a lot of things.  I forgot about the bird one.  Ollie is probably one of the nicest people in the house now, but he needs to get away from April.  Ollie is my second favorite after Dan.  They are both really funny and caring towards others.

  4. haha 4got about the snake thing and heights and the bird thing was sooo funny!!! hahahaa...when he ran inside! lol

    i like him,but april has gotta go!!! lol

  5. Those birds scare him ever since that "Hitchhock" movie.

  6. Well we all know he is afraid of birds now. I about peed myself I laughed so hard.

    I ♥ Big Brother!!

  7. I think the real fear Ollie should have is seeing his parents after his performance with April in the HOH room.  His preacher father shouldn't be too happy with that behavior.

  8. You'd think someone who is so afraid of many things would surely be afraid of a woman who has slept with more men than she can count.

  9. Maybe he has lived a sheltered life.  It's makes me wonder how someone who tends to be afraid of so many things would even consider being on a reality show?  He is using April big time and is getting a free ride all the way to the end.  He is very under-the-radar.  He had not contributed in the house what-so-ever.  He might as well just sleep until the final episode !  Yeah and I'm sure his preacher father is cringing seeing his son roll around with April in bed !

  10. Hmmm and don't take this wrong...but I think Ollie is all an act. I do think he truly cares for April...but he is sooooo a player...hes gonna be a force to be reckoned with once April and Jerry are watch ;)

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