
Has anybody ever been to Russia?

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  1. It`s funny to read unreal messages

  2. As I'm Russian myself i can't share experience of coming to Russia. But my friend is Dutch and i'd like to share some of his experience when he visited Russia for the 2nd time.

    He's surprised by the number of drivers that surround you after you came out to the arriving hall at the airpoirt Sheremetyevo-2. They constantly offering their services and in general very annoying. If you don't play taking a taxi (it's by the way can be 2-3-4-5 time more expensive than a usual bus that leaves just meters away from the exit) you should firmly say to them - Nyet (no).

    Drivers aren't afraid to die on the road - this is the experience my friend got while watching how they were driving - on a very high speed, breaking the rules etc. Roads are not in good state, with pots etc. That's why many accidents on the roads happen and many traphic jams appear. Russians in jams are very impatient and to avoid it they can drive on the pedestrian side or through the inner yards.

    If Russian family waits for your arriving then be prepared tht much food and vodka will be on the table - russians like to feed the quests and in general very generous. Toasting with vodka will be obligatory.

    There're many modern supermarket chains in Russia - even in small cities.

    Houses can look not so nice in color in state, also in the entrances, lifts and between floors. But inside flats it's always clean and rather modern. You should always take off your shoes after entering.

    In summer period hot water can be switched off for a period. So one should get used to it:)

    My friend noticed that russian people are everywhere like on the road - unpatient - so they stand closer in the lines not to let others to get in between and if the public transport comes here all lines break and people rush to get inside especially in the morning and evening rush hours.

    You should always carry your pasport and registration with you in the case that police becomes interested in you:)

    My friend was surprised that most Russian has white and black salaries. White is given officialy and from that taxes and pension paying go. Black salary are gives not officialy in the envelopes.

    My friend also noticed how Russia can do a lot better because it has a great potential and great people.

    He was also surprised with the service, sometimes he got the impression that people of service didn't care for their clients.

    My friend also learned not to trust much what is written on DVD's. Because if it says the movie has english subtitles it's not always so - and you should always ask a salesman to check it before buying.

    He also heard many stories out the times of 2nd World War from my relatives (he's interested in history of Russia) and was amazed how patriotic people were that times.

  3. yes i been there and it was so great, my purse was snatched from me in broad daylight! man it was so funny i was chasing the guy for miles until i almost dropped dead from exhaustion, hahahaha, man i love russia! i can't wait to visit there again and loose my mind next time, woo hooo!

  4. hey i just came back last sunday and heres a story lol.. I was walking around drunk at 2 pm witha  cell phone and a bottle of baltika then next thing you know on a main street 2 guys came up and just started beating the **** out of my face (broke my jaw go d d amn it)  thennn i walk back to the place i was staying and 2 cops saw my bruise i guess and took me to the cop station where i sat in a room with nothing to do eat or drink for 5 hours ... then they let me go and i went to the oral surgery place to get my mouth wired shut and no pain medication or anything it hurt like a *****!.

    and i think the best experience Russia has to offer is Petergolf( in st petersburg and lake biakal moscow have a good night life but its pretty boring i think

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