
Has anybody ever died playing rugby?

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Has anybody ever died playing rugby?




  1. ............................i think so

  2. I'm sure people have gotten seriously injured, but has anyone died?   I seriously doubt it.

  3. Probably not!!! cuz rugby is for fairies. some of the top guys are aight, but other than that rugby is a backup sport for kids who weren't any good at real sports...unless your from outside the US in which case rugby is one of the most popular sports.  but in the US...everyone sucks too much to get hurt

  4. yes. Becuause rugby players wear basicaly no padding, neck and spine injuries are a constant threat. While not all neck/spine injuries lead to death, it's not uncommon to die from them. This is a problem in rugby, and as the game is getting more physicle.

  5. Yes its not common but some are unlucky...

    really sad but tough sport got to be fit and careful...

  6. lots.

  7. Sure.  But then, plenty of people have died while sitting on the couch, too.

  8. Yes.

    I know of numerous people who have died in two different clubs that I have played for.

    Better coaching and safe, smart technique is very important, especially for younger, or novice players.

  9. It does happen occasionally. Perhaps there is a pre-existing, but unknown, heart or brain condition. Sometimes someone suffers a fatal spinal chord or head injury. In any contact sport, that is very physical, there will inevitably be fatalities.

  10. heaps o times. a club in morrinsville nz. the player broke his neck. carted off field. game was stopped.

  11. I know someone who died playing rugby. He had a concussion but he played anyway. Got hit on the head wrong.

  12. Yes, it happened:

  13. I don't know for cerrtain about any death, but do know about serious spine injuries that have left players sitting on a wheelchair for the rest of their lives.

    And yet, that's just a risk you take whenever you enter a pitch, after all, as I said, I don't know of anyone who died playing rugby, but I can tell you of several cases of kids who died on the football field (soccer), the last one was a defender who played for Sevilla (spain) last year.

    I even recall the case of a guy that saved his life, but not after being clinically dead on the field after jumping to hit a ball with his head with such luck that another player that was doing exactly the same thing hit him with his head on the back of the head, hence inducing a trauma to the cerebellum and stopping the heart.

    As you see, all sports are dangerous, then again, life is dangerous, if you don't want to take risks, don't live.

  14. Yes I was watching a loacl derby near Llanelli and the captin of the other team came off and collapsed on side line and died. Truly sad ending.  He left behind a wife and 2 children so so sad

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