
Has anybody ever had a Fresca or Tab and actually enjoyed it?

by Guest66906  |  earlier

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Has anybody ever had a Fresca or Tab and actually enjoyed it?




  1. I actually think only other worldly aliens consume that stuff .....

  2. Neither one of these beverages have ever touched my luscious lips.

  3. Yes!  I love Fresca!  Plus - no calories, no carbs!

  4. fresca tastes sooooooo good.

    i like love the stuff.

  5. i love fresca! its always been my grandmas fave drink and im at her house every day so i drink a ton of them

  6. Tab taste horrible, never drink that stuff, and I think in my opinion that Fresca is ok, but not the greatest. Personally I like Amp Mobile the best. And I also like Monster a lot too.

  7. i only enjoy full throttle, rock star, red bull and monster

  8. No, nobody has ever done that.  Thanks for asking.  I'm astonished that these sodas are available.

  9. yes,  i love fresca,  it's pretty amazing.  i've never had tab though.

  10. I love Fresca...I used to get Jarritos toronja flavor(Mexican grapefruit soda) but Fresca has no calories! I think it is refreshing & it quenches my thirst. Tab on the other hand...not so much. Although it has been around for forever, so somebody must like it! lol

  11. Well in the 60's it was just TAB or Fresca if you wanted calorie free and I drank both and loved them.  But I have tried Tab now and didn't like it.  The TAB energy drink is awful.  But I still like Fresca. It's real refreshing and not too sweet.

  12. My mom loves Fresca, she goes through a 12pack in like 3 days. Idk why though, it tastes like c**p to me.

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