
Has anybody ever heard of the law of attraction?

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like if you think about something and really focus on it it'll happen? it's explained in the book "The Secret" how can i focus on it better??




  1. Hallo! I think this is not about historical events, it is more personal thing, and it can work as help for doing something that you want. It works like this: think good about your wishes and analyze them careful (this mean to be focused), see what you can do about them, and try to do all you can. Question yourself, is that really what you NEED? Would it really make you HAPPY?

    If you work on something and think about it really careful, and make plan and realize it it can happen. It is only that. There is no magic. But there is luck which will help you if you are focused on something to SEE when you have opportunity. But most people are so concerned with something that they don't see solutions and opportunity to improve their life. But it is all around us.

  2. I have a similar law. It is called the balancing wallet.

    As soon as I get any certain extra $$bill in my wallet, I will within one hour have something come up that I have to spend exactly that amount on.

    Say I end up with an extra $100 and stick it into my wallet, I will soon receive a bill or have a car problem and if all is well, then a ticket will come at me with no breaking of a law other than the balancing wallet law.

  3. I used to believe in the law of attraction until my attorney talked me out of it.

  4. Ya! I got a copy of the Secret I'll sell you real cheap.  They push that in it.  Also got a bridge for sale too!!!

  5. If you are interested in learning how to apply the law of attraction for fitness & health read check this site out:

  6. - The Law of Attraction:

    This Universal Law demonstrates how we create the things, events, and people that come into our lives. Our thoughts, feelings, words, and actions produce energies which, in turn, attract like energies. Negative energies attract negative energies and positive energies attract positive energies.

       Have read the book,interesting too,however it would be better for you to understand if you study metaphysics and the universal laws

    some examples;

    - The Law of Vibration:

    This Universal Law states that everything in the Universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. The same principles of vibration in the physical world apply to our thoughts, feelings, desires, and wills in the Etheric world. Each sound, thing, and even thought has its own vibrational frequency, unique unto itself.

    -The Law of Correspondence:

    This Universal Law states that the principles or laws of physics that explain the physical world – energy, Light, vibration, and motion – have their corresponding principles in the etheric or universe. “As above, so below.”

    -The Law of Cause and Effect:

    This Universal Law states that nothing happens by chance or outside the Universal Laws. Every action has a reaction or

    consequence and we “reap what we have sown

    -The Law of Polarity:

    This Universal Law states that everything is on a continuum and has an opposite. We can suppress and transform undesirable thoughts by concentrating on the opposite pole. It is the law of mental vibrations.

    The Law of Rhythm:

    This Universal Law states that everything vibrates and moves to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, and patterns. Each cycle reflects the regularity of God’s universe. Masters know how to rise above negative parts of a cycle by never getting too excited or allowing negative things to penetrate their consciousness.

  7. You mean like positive charge attracts negative charge, magnetic south pole attracts magnetic north pole, protons attract electrons?  Opposites attract. If you want to use the law of attraction to get the things you want, you have to focus on the opposite and visualize yourself living without those things and making do. That's how the law of attraction works.

  8. Yeah, I actually have heard of it. Its BS. You can acheive goals by keeping focused and working through the steps required to get there. However, you are never going to win the lottery simply by focusing on it every day.

    There is no magic in the art of acheiving goals.

    The woman who wrote that book had her mind on book sales, not reality.

  9. Just because someone claims to be right about something and writes a book about it, it doesnt mean shes right. Shes a genius though, getting your hard earned money for a worthless piece of c**p.

  10. I just read the book "Law of Attrtraction" written by Michael J. Losier.  It talks about cutting self-doubt out of your life by cutting out your limiting beliefs.  Making excuses for why life sucks are negative vibes you put out in the world.  doubt is created by limiting beliefs.  Excuses are what you hide behind when your life is full of doubt.   The Law of Attraction is an Universal law we all are apart of.  Because our civilizations and governments have brain washed us into believing in one uniform way of acceptance, we must retrain our way of thinking.  That is what this law is about.  Removing self-doubt.  Obtaining your wants and needs.

  11. It will be hard to focus on it, considering the fact that it does not actually exist. Everything in "The secret" is carp- the universe cannot hear your thoughts, there is no law of attraction. Thinknig about something will not make it happen. That person was not a scientist, her stuff was not backed up by peer review, other scientists cannot replicate it- it is utterly wrong.

    I know people like to think this stuff is true, but it's junk.

  12. Spending even the slightest amount of time examining the claims the Secret makes, the scientifically literate will soon begin to find problems.  First of all, what is the Secret and how does it work?  Once you try to explain that in concrete (rather than feel-good, New Age) terms you will see how flawed the premise really is.

    The only way you are almost guaranteed to make money is to sell books that tell people how to get rich quick.

    The Secret is the newest piece of evidence proving the Barnum Law--there's a sucker born every minute.

  13. There is no such "law" except in the mind of the woman who is raking in the money from writing that book. Do you really think it's that easy? If it was, would people around the world still be starving, dying of cancer or other diseases, etc?  Why is it that "The Secret" only works (supposedly) for people of relatively wealthy societies but doesn't do a darn thing for those struggling to survive?

    "The Secret" tells us that "the energy you put into the world--both good and bad--is exactly what comes back to you. This means you create the circumstances of your life with the choices you make every day." Really? So, Africans created the circumstances for Europeans to enslave them? Did the Jews simply have it coming to them in WWII?

    For more from Michael Shermer's review of "The Secret", see the link below.

  14. The Law of Attraction is a more popular way of describing the law of Karma. Whatever you are on a very deep level, that is on the sub conscious level as well as the conscious level is continuously attracting to you relevant to what you are.

    The popular use of the Law of attraction is to find wealth and relationships, etc but it will work only when you deep down are resonating with what you want.

    In fact the Law of Attraction is working now and always has done so. If you are not where you want to be, look deep inside and the answer is there

  15. Another way to think about how if you think about something it comes true is like a filter.  It is like the "rose colored glasses" situation.  If you are in a bad mood and angry at the world, real negative, then you have sort of put on a negative filter in which you see the worst in a situation.  Or, if you are a cheery, positive, happy person you will notice more good things in the world.  And you know....whenever I learn a new word I end up hearing it a lot afterwards.  Not because I didn't hear it before...but now I know what it means and I notice it more.

    By the way...if you want to change something you should start by being mindful of your current situation to know where you are beginning.

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