
Has anybody experienced this while driving?

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Lets say you were on your way home or going somewhere, you're driving under the speed limit. People are driving around you. Drivers from behind begin to speed over the speed limit, goes around you and then switch back to the lane in front of you? Now does that annoy you?

Don't you just hate it when people honk at you for no reason? Don't it make you want to curse them out or give them the finger?




  1. if you going to much under the speed limit you could also get a ticket for creating a traffic hazard. Maybe the reason they are honking is you are not driving close enough to the speed limit. remember the saying two wrong do not make a right.

  2. no

  3. If everyone else is driving faster than you, and not just one particular guy weaving in and out, then they're doing the reasonable thing.

    Better them swerving around you than tailgating you. And maybe you should notice that if a lot of people are doing that, its not their problem but yours?

  4. i just open window a with my 12 gauge shotgun at them, no one bothers me apart from the police now and then so far so good they soon move off, or out your way, it works great

  5. It used to bug me at first, but now I just ignore it.  Let them get annoyed, see if I care.   I know how to drive, and no one is going to make me change.

  6. Depends on how much below the speed limit you are going. I dont see a reason why I catch cars in ohio in a semi going 55 when the car speed limit is 65. ie the car is going 10 under.

    But i pass and don't think about it I have more to think about then how some people can't drive.

    Honking or not it is nothing to get mad about.



  8. Yeah, It annoys me.  It's better to go under the speed limit [well, not THAT slow] than go over and risk getting a ticket from the cops.  They'll get what's coming to them soon enough.

  9. I dont drive yet as i dont have a license but my bf does. He used to be one of those who loved speeding etc but now he has kids he always sticks to the speed limits or a little under. always worrys bout his kids now. People do tend to overtake him on national speed limit roads but he just accepts it. it does annoy me that people are so impatient but i do find it quite funny. they dont really get there any quicker i find just have to brake sooner and are more likely to crash and cause an accident. When ppl speed off and overtake us we tend to stay well back, dont want to risk him having to slam on the brakes.

  10. people like that is what makes insurance high.i think i saw everything on the road and the stuff you mensioned too. as long as they dont hit me, i say to myself, just go, you cant take the whole road with you. that reminds me, 1 day i was on i-79 and i had my cruise set at 65 and all of a sudden, around me went a car and i know they were going at least 80 or 90 and about a mile or so down the road a smokey had them pulled over, thats 1 time he slowed down.

  11. Every person on the face of the Earth has the legal right to be a @sshole.....If they chose to start or finish their day that way...that's fine with me.....I choose not to let those jerks affect me....

  12. I would rather someone whip around me and haul butt down the road so at least I know where the cops are and so I can beep and wave at them when their pulled over.

  13. yes it happens every advice is to continue going where you are going..don't engage in any bad speeding up..or slowing down to 'bother' someone..just go about your things and breathe in and out and remain calm..people like that are idiots and its hard to educate them...just SMILE're not them, so you have yet another reason to be thankful in life than your not an idiot like them!! Peace and drive careful

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