
Has anybody found out the s*x of their baby and it turned out to be wrong??

by  |  earlier

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im just wondering because at out 20 week ultrasound we found out weir having a boy and weve picked out a name and have started buying boy stuff

i was just wondering how reliable it is when they tell you

the lady didnt give us a percentage she seemed cirten but niether me nor my partner could make out his p***s

and what happens if you buy everything for one s*x and it comes out the other

or are they realy realy reliable??




  1. Yeah, this happened to my parents.

    I was supposed to be a boy, right up until the time I was born.

  2. I think they are pretty reliable but I have read on the internet that it can sometimes be wrong....well i hope not. We were told at our 20 week scan that we were having a little boy and have chosen a name and started buying things, we could make out what looked like a p***s but to be honest it could have been anything!!

    Good luck, hope its right for you!

  3. Although chances are slim, it is possible for an ultrasound to be wrong. My cousin was told she was having a girl and about 2 weeks before her baby was due they told her it might be a boy.  I know it sounds wierd, but try the chinese calendar. Its very accurate - my whole family has tried it.  Its based on the month of conception and the mother's (you) date of birth.

  4. Yes, someone I knew was called Roberta / Bobbi instead of Robert / Bob....

    However these days the science of scans is much better with three dimensional systems.

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