
Has anybody got any tips for losing weight?

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I'm currently exercising for 30minutes - 1hour a day (I've only been doing this a few days), and I've got my calorie burning up to 450. I'm not eating in the morning as it just makes me hungrier at lunch time. But I am eating fruit and veg during the day, a roll/salad for lunch and a reasonable sized dinner. I'm drinking 2 litres of water a day, as well as tea and the odd diet coke. If you could give me any other tips that would be really great?




  1. you will always be fat get over it

  2. You HAVE to eat breakfast. It lays the foundation for the entire day, and starts up your metabolic engine. Without carbs in the morning you won't be able to perform up to par for most of the day. And all that fruit is full of fast carbs which are making you hungry. I'm not saying you should stop eating fruit, I'm saying you also need to eat protein because protein is what lowers your appetite. Diet coke is c**p, because it contains a ton of sodium and artificial sweeteners, which make you retain water and increases hunger.

  3. You need to eat a proper breakfast to set you up for the rest of the day. If you don't eat a nutritious breakfast it will encourage you to eat rubbish.

    The secret of losing weight is eating small amounts more often to keep your metabolism up and backing it up with exercises.

    Good Luck

  4. You must eat in the morning. It is brain food, also if you don't give gas to a car, it will not work. same thing for the body. To lose , you have to put in

  5. Make sure you are not having sugar in your tea and eat breakfast - this is what kick starts your metabolism.

    Remeber, although fruit is good for you some of it contains a lot of natural sugars - my dad, who was diabetic, had to watch his fruit intake.

  6. First thing you need to do is eat breakfast. A small bowl of unsweetened cereal, or oatmeal with a piece of fruit (banana, strawberries, or blueberries) and a big glass of water. If you're hungry before lunch, have a big bottle of water, and some fruit, or baby carrots. Lunch can be salad with grilled chicken, and lite dressing. You can even throw a little bit of cheese, or croutons on your salad so it's not so boring. Dinner should be light, because you're typically less active in the evening, so a small amount of protein (lean beef, chicken, turkey, or fish) a baked sweet potato, or a white one, but use the no-fat sour cream if you have to have it. It's not bad. If you eat like this, and drink enough water and couple it with your exercise routine, you should drop weight soon. Stick with it even if you don't see results right way. It didn't take 10 minutes to put it on, so it will take time to get rid of. Good luck! Remember, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper..... I think that's how it goes!! LOL!

  7. NO SODA. diet is actually worse for you than the regular. just portion what you eat. meats the size of your palm and lots of veggies. Fruit can get fattening. It has a natural sugar in it but still yet, its a sugar. just watch what you eat, keep exercising and drinking water. soon the pounds will fall off.

  8. I got this information from my Fathers Cardiologist (Heart Dr.)

    For every 10 Pounds you weigh, Drink one glass of water a day.

    Do plenty of Cardio Exercises (Jogging, Running Swimming)

    Do not "Diet" Change your eating habits. You can have a small portion of Cake or Ice Cream, Just do not do it every day, or several times a day.

    The fresher the food the better. (Do not buy & eat alot of processed foods)

    When you buy something look at the label, Do not buy anything with a serving size of 1 ounce & it to be filled with alot of Fat & Sodium.

    (Look at the sodium content in Baby Food, you will be surprised)

    If you want to drink Diet Sodas, Re-think that, It has Phosphoric Acid in it that takes the calcium out of your bones, which in return makes them weak. regular soda is better in this sence.

  9. I would advise to eat a full breakfast and quite large lunch. By the time dinner comes you wont be so hungry, just have cereal or snack.Don't eat this high in carbohydrates after lunch. Don't eat anything for atleast couple hrs b4 you go bed just water.  This will give you more energy in the day when you need it and since ur exercising you will burn it off during the day. Do exercise that you enjoy too will be more fun rather than feeling like a work out

  10. stop drinking soda (coke)!

  11. Start eating breakfast, it sets you up for the day. Also a good support group might help. Try

  12. Well there are alot of misconceptions about diet soda. Here is a great article that will help you out...



  13. You are eating ok but maybe you could workout for a little bit longer.

    Go down your local gym and go on the treadmills, rowing machines and bikes.

    Cycling is also very good for your fitness.

    Set yourself targets and try to reach them before a certain time.

    Have no more than one fizzy a day.

    Keep eating fruit but dont punish yourself too much.

    Basically lots of running, eat healthy and weights burn of calories as well.  

  14. Eat in the morning. It jump-starts your metabolism and it has been proven that people who eat breakfast actually weigh less. I don't know  how it could make you feel more hungry at lunch? If you're hungry, eat until you're full but eat the right types of foods like fruits, vegetables, or something filling like low-fat cottage cheese.  

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