
Has anybody had an experience with ghosts?

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Do you believe in them or do you think it is hogwash?




  1. Yes, I have seen many Horror Movies and read quite a number number of books. However, in a real and actual world, no, there is no such thing. The mind is an amazing mechanism that can be convinced and tricked into believing the unbelievable. That does not make it real, it just makes that persons perception of real. So in essence, it is hogwash (great word btw!).  

  2. Yes, I believe they exist.  I saw one when I was a child.  I have not sen one since but I sense them all of the time.  I feel like I am being watched sometimes or I see shadows moving out of the corner of my eye, I guess they are called shadow people when it is like that.  

    One theory is that children have not had years to adjust their thinking and have not had the time to train themselves as to what to accept or not accept as reality like adults have.  Adults program their thinking and consequently refuse certain images, noises, and feeling as real simply because in our minds we cannot accept impossible or unproven science.

  3. Yes I have, and yes I do, and no I don't think it's hogwash.

    I  will tell you a story...about one night when it was really hot so my daughter went down stairs to sleep on the couch.I woke up to go get some water down stairs...well I had to turn on the stair light and when I did I saw this black thing looking up at me from the bottom of the stairs The shape of a person...I blinked and it was gone. I had just woke up so I wasn't sure if what I saw that.So I went down stairs to check it out and get my water. That's when I saw my daughter asleep on the couch and I  woke her up running down ,and she looked up at me and asked me how long I'd been standing standing over her. I told her I just came down to to get some water...asked her if she wanted any..[I didn't want to scare her] and she said she felt like some one had been standing over her for a while but she couldn't wake up..until I came down...true story...

  4. I have had "trusted" people tell me that thay have had experience with them so I believe in them. I have never had any experience with them exacte this happen...

    I was laying in my bed one night and the light part of the celling fan came on. I got up and turned it off and be-for I made it back to my bed it come back on. I turned it off a 2ed. time.

    A week are to later it happen to my mom. She clean my carpet and turned off the light & turned on the fan then turn around to roll the cord of the carpet cleaner up turned back around to close the door and the light was back on she turned the light off again and it stayed off and never happen after there. (We lived at the house 1 yrs be-for it & 3 yrs after it)   What do you thank?


    For them that thank the fan moved the weirs. The fan was OFF in my 2 experiences and on in my mom's 1 experience. And on my experiences it was at night and no one was walking are moving in the house.

    Other then that I have not had nothing elas happen. And I have moved into houses that sopostly have "Hunted History" hoping to have a better experience/in counter with something. I have seen nothing yet.

  5. I had an experience with a ghost a couple days ago actually. I was in my bathroom brushing my hair when i had this really weird feeling that someone was watching me, so i looked out the door and i saw something like a face looking at me. But i think it was a friendly ghost because it kinda smiled at me. Also it looked like my grand father who passed away 12 years ago. Plus i do believe in ghosts


    I have had expeiraince with them like things facing another way than what im putting them and like things falling and so on!!!!

    I beleive in them!!!!

  7. I believe ghosts exist, but cannot interact with the human world.

    Similar to deism.

  8. I have had several encounters. One was at a hotel in Vancouver, Canada in July 2006. We were at a sci fi convention and many weird things were happening to people in one area of the hotel: a maid's vacuum caught on fire, one lady was thrown across her bed--in front of 3 friends, lights were doing weird stuff, the fire alarm went off, etc. The last day of the conference, at the closing party, I had taken a few photos with a digital camera and when we went up to the room to download them to the laptop, I noticed an aura around and across the guest of honor's head. We enlarged the area and there were 2 faces superimposed over his face. 2 not so nice faces. We made copies and took them back downstairs to the party.

  9. I Wish...

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