
Has anybody had experience with colloid silver? ... to treat helicobacter or chlamydia?

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The amount of antibiotics is too much ... is that true that colloid silver can reach and kill the bacteria better than antibiotics? Thanks a lot for answering me.




  1. Colloidal silver has been well-established to be useless, except for inducing silver poisoning.

  2. It would probably work better as a preventive measure. I use the stuff for preventitive care but I always follow a doctor's advice when I am sick. I suggest you do the same.

    Take Care and get well soon!

  3. It will not work.

  4. Try - Oil of oregano

  5. For clamidia,use probitics.the vitamin carries ultimate10 probiotic formula about 15 bucks per hundred,quite strong,apx 14 billion organisms per cap/10 different strains instead of just acidophilus.Al;so has like 300 mg of FOS to gain footold ,n fights the bad bacteria off,strengthens the immune system too.You might use a half as a vaginal suppository ,while taking some orally for a 2 wk course of carries the strongest colloidal silver formula Ive seen,about 500 ppm,vs 5 or 10ppm Ive seen most other places.

  6. no, you can't treat chalmydia with colloidial silver! it might be good on small cuts or abrasions, but not major infections.

  7. Colloidal silver is a very powerful bacteriostatic agent that is supposed to be capable of killing 650 different pathogens.  It is a natural antibiotic.

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