
Has anybody had their in room safe while on holiday tampered with?

by  |  earlier

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I was on holiday and the safe in my room i,m sure was opened while I was away for a day trip. Has anyone else had this experience?




  1. i dont keep anything expensive in my hotel room.

    i keep my cash and papers in the hotel safe where they are far from the housekeeping .

    thank God i didnt have this experience even when i stayed in students ' accommodation abroad .

  2. People I met on holiday who stayed at another hotel had this problem, also they're clothing went missing, one pair of jeans after another. It was a more expensive hotel, a new build at that time, it had more facilities than the hotel I stayed at. But I was lucky staying at a family run hotel, the staff were lovely. Apart from a plumbing problem it was excellent, especially the staff. Except for one young man who keep wanting to tell me where I could sunbathe. I think he just wanted to see me in a bikini, I didn't have the heart to tell him I don't wear them, or sunbathe. So, spent some time trying to avoid him lol but he was a gentleman otherwise.

  3. what??

    if you are so sure, why didnt you call the hotel manager and the police? if you are so sure, then you could have your right back..

    but i dont think  that happened in Egypt..

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