
Has anybody had there vasectomy undone and successfully had more babies?

by  |  earlier

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and if you did how long did it take to concieve?




  1. Well, after my father having my brother and me with my mother got a VAS- then split with my mom and married again. Had the VAS reversed and had two more daughters :) So yes it is very possible. Plus my father was older too- I am glad that he did cause now i have two wonderful half sisters...Good Luck!

  2. Vasectomy reversal takes about three hours under local anesthesia and costs from $4000 to $12,000 and is not covered by insurance. It takes six weeks to recover. Close to 90% of men after reversal have sperm in their ejaculate, but pregnancy rates  are around 50% after the procedure.

    This is partly due to anti-sperm antibodies formed in 70% of men after vasectomy and also due to damage to the epidymides (sperm maturation organs connected to the testicles) and testicles due to vasectomy. Sperm formation (spermatogenesis) is reduced after vasectomy due to fibrotic scarring of the testes caused by vasectomy (via damage to sperm support cells called Sertoli cells). In addition, this testicular fibrosis can reduce testosterone levels and cause symptoms  of premature andropause in some men. See references below:

    ...increase in interstitial fibrosis were observed along with the obstructive interval (p <0.0001, p = 0.0005, respectively). Interstitial fibrosis contributes to the irreversible damage of vasectomized testes. Contraception. 2002 Mar;65(3):245-9

    ...significant reduction in the mean number of Sertoli cells (P less than 0.01) and spermatids (P less than 0.01) per tubular cross section in the post-vasectomy group, as compared with the control group. Focal interstitial fibrosis was observed in 23 per cent of the specimens from the post-vasectomy group and in none from the control group. N Engl J Med. 1985 Nov 14;313(20):1252-6

    Reversal is still regarded as the least expensive, most effective way to conceive after vasectomy compared to other methods.

    You might consider going to the Yahoo! group called vas reversal to speak with the women there who are trying to conceive after having their men get a reversal.

    God luck.

  3. girl I asked the same question but kind of different about 3 minutes ago.. could you answer this for me????

    I am 21 years old and already have three beautiful children and me and my fiance are wondering how to prevent having more kids! lol basically I cant remember to take a pill and we dont like condoms so it's either a vasectomy or getting my tubes tied but we would like to have more kids in the future. So my question is what is easier a vasectomy or getting tubal ligation. I heard that tubal ligation is very very painful and can have down time of about 6 weeks which means no getting out of bed or even holding my baby. And a vasectomy is easy on the man, cuz its a 30 minute procedure and they are back to work within a couple of days. Has anybody gotten both done or does anyone know what the side effects are for both and which one is cheaper?

    Please no rude comments.. thanks

  4. My dh just had his 24 year old VAS reversed the 6th of Aug.  We are in thw 2WW of our first cycle.  It is very possible for it to happen!!  Have you started any research on it?  If not, check out the VR board on ivillage.  There are a lot of answer ladies there who can help you find a good dr, their opinions, etc.  There is one lady who is pg with VR baby #3 or 4!!!  It can take from 1-82 months, on average, to conceive!  We're hoping for less than 6 months!  :-)

    (For the first answerer: Vasectomies are easier to reverse and generally have higher success rates.  They aren't as invasive as TL or their reversals either!)

  5. A doctor should be able to give you a % rate of vasectomy reversal pregnancy rates.  When my ex and I were checking into it, they told us our chances.  I can't remember but it was fairly high (high enough that he was going to have it done).  It's more successful than a women having her tubes untied.

  6. Yes, it's not unheard of.

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