
Has anybody heard about the volleyball rules changing?

by  |  earlier

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I am in a volleyball team, and someone told me that she heard about the volleyball rules changing back like they were ages ago. Do you know something about this? Thanx.




  1. well, it used to be that when one team screws up, the other team just gets the ball. but now, the other team not only gets the ball, but also a point

  2. haven't heard anything, and my daughter plays

  3. It used to be that the serving team either gets the point or they don't. You have to serve to get the point. Now you don't have to serve to get the point. Example: Other team serves and it doesn't go over or it goes out, then it is the other teams point. Before nobody would get the point.

  4. i play and i dont think or heard any thing!!!

  5. Um don't grab the ball with your hands.

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