
Has anybody heard of Saturn being the mother in a chart?

by Guest55851  |  earlier

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a certain somebody stole my question and answers.




  1. I have Saturn in Leo and I do find that these aspects are more feminine....nurturing and yes, motherly....

    Though the rest of my Saturn aspects are more masculine....

    LOL...I also have Saturn in the 7th house......again, a more feminine position here...

  2. Saturn is always the father.

    The moon is the mother.

    I've been studying charts for years and my Dad is a Astrologer himself.

    Do better research.

  3. Hardly a question worth "stealing".

    A bit pretentious to think that a certificate from an unaccredited, though respected astrology school would grant you more insight into esoteric teachings than others. Knowledge is nothing without application. If you can't demonstrate good practice of the material, you spent a lot of money on a piece of paper.

    I would think that, with all this great knowledge you posses, that you would be more willing to share it instead of the bickering and paranoia that's been going on here for the past weeks. Hopefully this is a sign of new beginnings for you.

    I congratulate you on your desire to learn from others, but until you use it to enrich the lives of others, it is all blown smoke.  

  4. Darn old f**t if you ask me LOL..  He (it) reminds me of my grandmother and she probably is Momma Saturn hon. She wore the pants and really, she wore jeans WTH. I think she shaved but wasn't about to ask her. So yea, I think that Saturn strong and in a female sign or somthing, could be the mother. Why not ?  And can't the old man be a father ?  Put a skirt on the dude and then maybe Moon will represents the father, g*y-type or something LOL..

  5. Well, I've said before that it makes sense as far as my own chart goes. But you were the one I learned that from:-)

    I don't think anyone was trying to steal a question though, I think they might have just been interested in the theory.

    EDIT: Yes, what Yamie says is exactly true. I did mention it in IM, I didn't know a lot about it, and so she asked the question. No thievery implied at all.

  6. Actually, r_a mentioned the theory a few days ago through IM.  She gave me the idea for the question.  Thank you for clarifying. ;)

  7. Well, that is interesting because I have never heard that before; but, honestly, I think that sun & saturn are more related to father figures and moon and venus more related to mother figures.  In fact, what I believe is that if the moon is the most elevated, mother wears the pants.  If Saturn is most elevated in a chart, father was a strong father figure.  Saturn in the 4th would indicate a mother who struggled with disappointments and depression.  I believe that the rising represents the child.

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