
Has anybody heard of these bad luck omens?

by  |  earlier

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they just had junior on after he qualified (P2 so far, kahne's P1), and he was hilarious!!! just before he went out on the track, humpy wheeler signed a $50 bill and gave it to junior. while being interviewed, he was asked if that was a bill that would go into his trophy case, and if junior ever asks for autographs. he said that was his "payment" for showing up - an old short-track tradition.

then junior said that it was no wonder he didn't win the pole, $50 bills are bad luck, so he gave it to matt yocum. at the end of the interview, yocum asked asked if he wanted the $50 back, and junior said no, but "how 'bout two twenties and a ten." that was funny!!!

they just asked kyle busch what humpy told him, and kyle said humpy tried giving him $50, but he wouldn't take it - it's bad luck. he said he'd take it after he ran his qualifying laps though.

i know the color green was considered bad luck, and i've read why.

do you know why? do you know of any other bad luck omens?




  1. Just another old wives tale again, but you know there are so many of these that the drivers do believe in and take stock in them....

    like the color green is bad luck before a race,that cannot be true, Jr's car is proof of that and he has green on.

    it is the bad luck of the color green being handed to them.

    and alot of the drivers believe matter what it is, if its green, they resend on it....Jr was just not thinking....but I don't believe in the omens we hear at the track..\

    if its your day, you will win, if not, then they have to settle for what they end up.........

    like, don't step on a crack before getting into your car, the next crack you hear is the hitting of the wall, have heard this, and they laugh about it.

    lots of  bad omen things in the pits before a race, true or not  no one really knows

    but alot of them are hilarious to listen to

  2. lol i dont believe that jumbo.....i just think it's your day or it is not!!!!!!

  3. That was funny, both Jr. and Kyle.

    Green is supposed to be bad luck in racing. It worked out fine for ol' DW in the Mt Dew car in the early 80's and for Handsome Harry Gant in the Skoal Bandit!

  4. I have heard of that and several others. I liked the peanut

    I have a personal superstition of my own. I will NOT let my boyfriend watch a race with me when it's on. He either takes the kids to the park or over to his friends. I swear it is true, every time he even glances at the TV when the race is on, Jimmie wrecks, and I am just not having He's not doing so well this year as it is.

  5. Never heard of that but it's a pretty funny story. Jr should of waited to take it huh?

  6. I'd never heard of the $50 thing before.  Many years ago, some of the drivers had a superstition about peanuts.  They absolutely refused to have peanuts anywhere near their shop or car.  I never heard the reason why - just one of those silly things, I guess.

  7. the $50 dollar bill thing comes from an old poker players superstition (or maybe just gambling in general) from the cowboy days.  Race car drivers are a pretty superstitious bunch, looks like this is one that may have carried over.

  8. superstitions are for the weak minded. Kyle, 50 bucks is 50 bucks man, shoulda taken it!!!

  9. Yep, I saw that too. I think Kyle said he would take a hundred dollar bill cut in half before qualifying, and then come back for the other half when he was done. LOL! But yeah, Jr.asking for two twenties and a ten instead of the fifty was pretty funy.

    Didn't DW say that David Pearson back in the day, would not touch a fifty dollar bill, or come anywhere near a poker table if they were betting in fifty dollar increments if it was before a race? It was something like that.

    Anyway, I have never heard of that superstition or any other before today. It was pretty funny.

    Add:  Hey thanks! I like how much more relaxed and verbal the drivers are during qualifying interviews. So much better than during or after a race when they have to literally watch every word they say, and or it can sound almost scripted.

  10. dang it i missed that , pretty fun from both sides.  i dont know why and i've never heard of any others. please inform if you know any others.

  11. I've heard that before about green cars being bad luck (June Bug seems to be proving that one true) and also about the 50 being unlucky. Maybe it's a good omen Kyle will win this weekend :^)))))

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