
Has anybody heard or used a company called express sale scotland to sell a property quickly?

by  |  earlier

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my house has been on the market for about 5 months now we have another property which will be ready in the next few weeks and have been looking at other ways of selling i know we will loose money but are in a position we only paid 23000 for property and is now worth around 75000 we had an offer from express sale of 60000 which is the best so far out of the 1/2 dozen we have tried we are not in the position to keep the property and rent it out so we really do have to sell quick has anybody used a trustworthy company or know someone who has i would be gratefull to any advice on this matter and also the house is to small so we cant stay in it until market picks up thanks.




  1. Phew, that's the longest sentence I have ever read! Ever heard of fullstops? Or commas? It would make it easier to read.

  2. You have to used a title CO.they ;ll maked sured the fund is there before the sancaction can close,You have nothing to loose,If this CO.can produce the money, than you just keeping marketing your home.

    Good luck

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