
Has anybody here suffer from trichotillomania?

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I've been suffering from trichotillomania since i was 12 I am now 20 and it has gotten worse. For people that have not heard about this its the urge to pull your own hair out.The only hair i pull is on the top of my head. I am now wearing a wig because of it. I feel so bad after i see my head with bald patches.I was thinking on cutting my hair to see if maybe I can get over it.I always have to think to myself that I need to stop so that I never have to were a wig again. The only person that knows about my problem is my boyfrind i have been with 4 years now.It is so hard for me to be going through this. I know you might say that I should go to a doctor or something but I have heard it doesn't always work for everyone to get help.It is too emmbarresing for me to tell anybody about this problem.Has anybody here shaved there head to stop? Do you know about how long it will take to grow back if I shaved it? I would appreciate any advise. Please tell me about the way you handled it and what you did for your hair to grow out.




  1. Hi. I had this so bad when i was little that my mom had to put mittens on me so i would not pull my hair out ( that actually worked ). I would always pull in the same spot on the back of my head, and developed a little bald spot there. I was lucky, as i got older, i just stopped doing it ( not really sure why ). There are doctors that are trained to treat this. Please don't go to a regular MD, they won't be able to give you the kind of help you need. If you are serious about wanting to get better, you have to stop being ashamed. You can't help it, you have an illness, you have nothing to be ashamed about. Shaving your head is not the answer. You will just start the behavior back up as soon as your hair grows back. Please try to find a specialist to help, i'm sure you don't want to suffer from this your whole life. Best of luck to you, and a big hug from me :-)

  2. You can take OCD meds that will STOP that behavior!  Yes, you read right, STOP!!!

    Go to the doctor.  If you do not stop soon, you will permanently lose hair in the spots you are pulling out and there is nothing they will be able to do for you then except transplant hair there.

    The OCD meds will stop the obsessive hair pulling or twirling (whatever you do) and will allow you some peace in your life.


  3. Trichotillomania is a mental illness that causes one to pull their hair out.  It can be effectively treated, but cutting the hair off is NOT the way to do it.  If you were depressed would you be embarrassed to tell your doctor about it?  Same thing with your problem, it is an illness and needs medical care in order for you to get well.

    Forget your pride, bite the bullet, and head for your doctor's office.  You can't surprise him......he's already seen and heard almost everything.  Good Luck!

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