
Has anybody noticed that it is almost impossible to guess shopping costs?

by  |  earlier

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these days. eg...dash to the shop for milk, bread, choc bar, newspaper and maybe throw in a magazine. Hand over the note from your purse and the assistant asks for maybe 1 pound odd more! Unbelievable




  1. tell me about it! what used to be small things literally cost loads fortnightly shopping bill has gone up no end, its scary!!

  2. Certainly have ! Got my dog his food the other day and its gone from £2.35 to £3.03 It must be the fuel prices pushing everything up !

  3. Yeah,a few years ago i would write a shopping list,stick to it and know exactly how much it would amount to. Now it's anyone's guess................

  4. Yeah.

  5. No

  6. It's the cost of fuel creeping into everyday prices.

    The last 2p increase on a litre of fuel cost my boss  an xtra £8500/month for the trucks he owns.

    That cost has to be taken up somewhere and I am afraid it is taken up by what he charges to haul the goods to the supermarkets and businesses.

    Each rise in fuel prices, which many people state "Doesn't bother me cause I dont drive" has an affect on the cost of living.

    Untill we all get our @rses into gear and stick together, the prices will go up and up.

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