
Has anybody read these and is it a trilogy?

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Okay the book is called Journey to Nowhere and it's sequel is Frozen Summer. I read somewhere that they were a trilogy and if so what is the third book? These are really great books and I'd recommend them to anybody to read but Frozen Summer is pretty sad. Anyway if you know the third one please tell me :)




  1. I think it may be The Road to Home

    Check this link and see if it is what you are looking for.


    Hafta' say, there are lots of 'Frozen Summers' and 'Journey(s) to Nowhere' by lots of people, but I finally figured out the author (helps to put the name in a question): Mary Jane Auch.

    She (and sometimes Herm Auch and sometimes other co-authors) has written lots of books.

    Journey to Nowhere has a date on it at Amazon of '99

    Frozen Summer from 2000... so I went forward from there and see:

    The Road to Home, '02

    Keeping Beauty, '03


    Ashes of Roses, '04

    ...the last seems to be the most recent.

    Suggest you go to Amazon, be sure you're in the Books category, put her name in the search box, and check out the books. You can look at them more closely by clicking on them to separate them, and often scroll way down past other things to read reviews by both pro reviewers and regular readers.

    (Tried to make a link to a possible web site but find none.)

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