
Has anybody read up on the "String Theory?"?

by Guest59182  |  earlier

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I've read a little about it and it explores the possibility of at least 11 dimensions existing. And if this theory is ever proven, it will contradict everything that science stands for. Anyway, my question is...can somebody please explain this theory to me a little more in English? It's hard to understand. Thanks!




  1. string theory is totally retarded...could be use for something else, but not those thing they explain in this theory.

  2. Okay let me get a few of your facts straight.. it doesn't contradict anything in physics... only some quantum physics which deals with very small things.

    why people are so ecstatic about string theory and why it is so beautiful is because it succeeds Einsteins long lost dream.. to unite all sciences.

    see what newton did was create classical physics and gravity... Einstein unified the 3 known forces.. weak nuclear energy, strong nuclear energy and electromagnetism and thought of general relativity, but what Einstein was really hoping for... was to unite quantum physics(Weak+Strong+Magnetism or small forces)  to general relativity .. and he worked on this till the day he died.

    the reason why it was so hard for Einstein to do this is because.. in quantum physics.. it is very very chaotic and Einsteins gravitational plane was very calm.. so it was hard to piece those two together.

    now what string theory does.. is sorta calms the chaos, enough so that  gravity can be integrated with quantum physics. Now the basis of string theory is it is a theory of what is the actual fundamental... matter so to speak that we are all made up of.. every proton every electron every neutron every graviton(a theoretical particle that is responsible for gravity). What they think this fundamental particle so to speak isn't actually a particle, but more like a string hence string theory. this string is made up of merely energy and that string vibrates. now that vibration.. is what determines the particle that it is. so basically we are just this flow and vibration of energy. But the problem with this theory is that it can never be tested.. because we cant measure things that small. it is about 1 billionth of a billion of a nuclei which is the center of the atom.. so the strings are incredibly tiny.

    What this theory brought about is the M-Theory, which means .. well no one knows what the M means but I'm going to say membrane theory. Well lets start with this.. when string theory was starting to get popular there were 5 different versions.. almost 5 flavors of it.. and that kinda put string theory on the **** list so to speak. But then this incredible mathematician.. i forget his name sorry.. but he decided to work on it..

    so he did and after a while he finished.. what he proposed and mathematically proved  was that each of these "flavors" were just 5 different ways of looking at the same thing.. so he united the 5 different string theory's this is when string theory jumped off the **** list. but also gained an alliance, M-Theory, which is the theory that explains what happened during the big bang at the big bang and before the big bang.. he said that in another dimension that (M-Theory proposed 12 dimentions) there was this huge membrane type thing that each layer was a different dimension .. and what happened at the big bang.. was two of these dimensions collided and caused the big bang.. um.. sorry lol i lost my train of thought and pretty much lost in my own paragraph so.. hope this helped anyways

  3. Well, for one thing, no, it doesn't contradict science at all.  It makes science make more sense by unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity, and would give us some insight into why everything is the way it is.  I suggest you read Brian Greene's books 'The Elegant Universe' and 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' for more info - it's a lot to explain here, especially if you don't have the background.

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