
Has anybody received their EMA notice of entitlement for 2008/09 yet?

by  |  earlier

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I applied for EMA over 2 months ago, but they still havnt contacted me. I was wondering whether it was lost in the post or if theyve just been busy processing everyones details..?




  1. Having read this, I'm gonna send off for mine in a couple days, now...

    Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Neither myself or my friends have recieved their notice yet, they're having to go through hundreds of thousands (probably) of application forms - your EMA will get backdated anyway if they don't send you the notice by the time you start school. Call them! I'm making my dad ring them on Monday, just to make sure everything's alright with the application. :)


  3. One of my friends got hers the other day

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